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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Not sure if this or OTW is the best place for this. Kindly advise/move if necessary. Got an e-mail this morning that got past my spam filters in my account that I do all my Bills-related stuff with (Ticketmaster, The Bills Store, TBD, etc.) It's copied and pasted below. I hope by now everyone knows not to send personal info over e-mail but this one is pretty good. It came from "guestservices@bills.nfl.net"
  2. The Bills can tag him for 2016 and again for 2017 if they want.
  3. Slogans? It's from McCulloch vs. Maryland (another USSC case about taxation), and entirely relevant to the conversation. Team America, while always welcome, is not.
  4. Gotcha. From what I understand, though, it's incredibly difficult to acquire child porn for free, unless you're in one of "those" circles that're probably doing more than just watching kiddie porn. Kiddie porn gets scrubbed from the surface web pretty quickly, so it typically isn't as simple as right click/save as. The mentality I approach it with is that pretty much everyone who possesses child porn has contributed some amount of money to those who produce it.
  5. On what basis? The power to tax involves the power to destroy. Exemption is the best way to ensure free exercise of religion for everyone. It wouldn't be "more in step with the 1st Amendment" to tax all churches. It would run directly against the free exercise clause.
  6. The SCOTUS has spoken on the issue. Basically, the court believes that tax exemption for churches involves far less involvement between church and state than would taxing them. For example, if the government can tax churches, it can penalize them when they default, thus endangering free exercise of religion if the clause is read broadly (and the court has, historically, read it broadly).
  7. I didn't say moral reasons weren't involved at all.
  8. I am. More for physiological and neurological reasons than moral ones, though.
  9. Essentially, yes. A lot of disciplines have issues with reliable research nowadays (yes, including the hard sciences). Lots of money involved. And when there's money involved, somebody has a vested interest in certain results. Guaranteed.
  10. Are we to interpret this as saying that viewing kiddie porn isn't hurting anyone?
  11. Not if you watch any TV nowadays.
  12. My bet is he'll be fine way before the opener and they're saying Week 1 just to keep him off of it until then.
  13. These jokes suck. Stop it.
  14. When it comes to the Bills, you do not want to reach "...your will be done..."
  15. Buh-bye, Jared http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/jared-fogle-plead-guilty-child-porn-charges-report-article-1.2329889
  16. Gee, I can't imagine the reaction of high school senior boys in Alabama, "Oh parents, please don't force me into that den of undiversity!"
  17. well played. How about this: Or anything else Zevon aside from "Werewolves of London."
  18. I would go in on a kickstarter or something to see that film made. Wu-Tang > everyone
  19. Many insist that being "color blind" is just a white defense mechanism to protect and maintain white supremacy.
  20. Little three-part video with footage of the atomic bombs being loaded onto the planes, for you history nerds: Part II: Part III:
  21. Jeez. Kid bet on himself (restructured his 5th year option guaranteed money into pay-as-you-go) and still couldn't get it together, allegedly. Goes way beyond football suspensions at this point.
  22. Ooo yes! My favorite battle reenactment!
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