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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. I know a couple people that do this. Gotta be careful to make sure you don't !@#$ up along the way. There's also the possibility of getting denied/cards cancelled if they're onto you.
  2. "Conservative" principles were sold out a long time ago, it wasn't in the last 7.5 years. It wasn't in the last 15.5 years, even. It began a long time ago and pretending that the Republican party had some sort of grand opportunity this year to get that back is plain stupid and only serves to promote the status quo.
  3. Kind of like Nate Silver did this time around. Over, and over, and over, and over... It'd be interesting to see a retrospective on Nate Silver's coverage of Trump's chances to win the GOP nomination. Of course, we won't be seeing that over at fivethirty!@#$you anytime soon.
  4. He might be a lying asshat, but he's not wrong. I don't agree that they have been "rightfully" deposited in the trash, but they've certainly been deposited in the trash, and it wasn't recent.
  5. Underrated post.
  6. "Astute" as the Fiorina move might be, it's basically the death rattle of Cruz's hopes. He's in full desperation mode and is making no attempt to hide it.
  7. I don't think he cares.
  8. Which iPhone do you have? Which iOS version do you have? (If you don't know, go to Settings-->General-->About and it'll be under "version")
  9. What's the difference between onions and hookers? Chopping up onions makes me cry.
  10. !@#$ y'all.
  11. Logged in just to vote "yes." Ha, ha, ha!
  12. From Rags to Bitches
  13. I think it's more of a place where they can go overnight and think really hard about particular things that they've done. If only there were a shorter, more roll-off-the-tongue way of saying it. Hmm.
  14. I got 10/10, but "cheated" in a similar way. Looked at both style and substance.
  15. They know exactly what they're getting into when they plead out. If his defense attorney didn't tell him this was a possibility, then Jared has bigger problems. With the way child porn laws are written, Jared faced a hell of a lot more than 15.6 years at trial. This this this this this. Tacking on three years to the top end of the sentencing recommendation is hardly an abuse of judicial discretion. It's part of why judicial discretion exists.
  16. But they can. Should or should not is debatable, but they certainly can. But if that's the sticking point for you then another aggravating circumstance involved that he plead to is the vulnerability of the victims. Can't get much more vulnerable than victims of child sex trafficking.
  17. There were concerns that he was directly financing the production of homemade kiddie porn.
  18. So this is happening: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/11/18/france-says-it-will-take-30000-syrian-refugees-while-u-s-republicans-would-turn-them-away/ So after having their entrails smeared by enemies imported by their own government, the people of France have to continue receiving foreigners among them. Napoleon spins in the grave: Unless, of course, you carry none of those principles. Right, shitlibs?
  19. Truth. Probably the same shitlib imbeciles.
  20. What's with the faggy peace symbol with the Eiffel Tower in it? Do people really think that peace is the answer at this point? France needs Martel to rise from the grave.
  21. The issue is that there's no solution left. There's no winning answer. Western leaders think the answer is to open the doors and let them all in. But the hate is so deep and pervasive that all that does is let a bunch of already-brainwashed wackos in along with the ones who mean no harm. Shutting the doors won't stop the hate either, they'll just redouble the propaganda efforts. But at least then we won't have as many of them hanging around our concerts and football games. Note this was an illustration, not an exhaustive list of "answers" that people have come up with.
  22. Everclear or GTFO
  23. Man I wish I was a Hollywood ambulance chaser right about now...
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