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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Except, you know, "randomly" test him.
  2. What don't you like about her? I think she's phenomenal.
  3. Doesn't say that either. Lay off the weed
  4. James Franco. Even his new artsy **** is poisoned for me. He's just so damn obnoxious in most of his work.
  5. I'm with you on having no opinion, though I'm sure its failures stick out to me more than its successes. I know a college coach who loathes it, so there's that.
  6. Are potheads still trying to convince people that weed cures cancer or some ****? I really don't care much about the issue but FFS get a grip.
  7. And you haven't done one thing or another about that yet?
  8. Better yet, buy a lab diamond or a fake. She'll never know and you'll have a lot more money in the bank.
  9. Levi and Old Levi will be there.
  10. Loving this final day. These two are playing insane golf. I've heard stories from people who have interacted with both Phil and Tiger. Phil hands everyone $100 bills. Tiger doesn't tip. And how about Stricker? 49 years old and 4 birdies today.
  11. A guy I know does the same thing, he's just started asking people at the lot after the game for their stub. Seems to be working out so far.
  12. It goes to the larger point that Islam is generally incompatible with modern Western civilization. I didn't mean to say that there are inconsistencies between LGBT rights and feminist principles; I meant to say that they are not compatible with Islam or the governments of the Arab world. So it's hard, at best, or double-minded, at worst, to be sympathetic to all of the above.
  13. Not in and of itself, no. But who is allowed to immigrate and what they have to do to attain citizenship and the rights that come with it are things that need to be considered. The policies surrounding these things in France have been pretty lax, historically.
  14. You're sympathetic to LGBT rights and feminist principles, aren't you? Do I really have to point out the disconnect between these two views you seem to hold?
  15. You talk as though the only options are full embracing of multikult/other leftoid insanity or isolationism. We both know this is not the case.
  16. I wonder how many more bodies have to hit the ground before Western elites renounce their insane beliefs on immigration/multiculturalism/all religions are equal/etc.
  17. When, exactly, was that? Certainly wasn't the 90s.
  18. So...yes?
  19. His question was far more limited in scope than your answer was. You claimed that there are years and years (including currently) of systemic persecution. "Outlook" is often very different from reality. I have no doubt that the children and grandchildren of folks who participated in the civil rights movement received a different lesson on the police than I got as a kid. Whether or not that was appropriate is another matter entirely, and you say it is. I know you have no issue with conspiracy theories, but think of how far up it would have to go in order for there to be a current, systemic attempt at "keeping minorities in check." The laws of the 1950s and 60s were what they were. It was systemic then. The laws of today are what they are. It's a high bar to jump over to get to "systemic" today. I know a lot of that sounds like petty semantics, but I think it's incredibly important to define what we're talking about. Saying that "racism" is the issue driving police misconduct is, I think, highly unproductive and probably even counterproductive.
  20. Levi and Old Levi will be there. Won't be parking at Hammer's but we'll wander by.
  21. So this "segment of the population" you were talking about is black septuagenarians?
  22. Perhaps, but none of those images provide evidence of a "systemic" issue. Of course, in fairness to you, proving that it's a "systemic" issue is next to impossible, even if it is system-wide. On the other hand, police misconduct is a complex issue with many facets, and pushing "rayciiiissssss" is like putting a round peg in the middle of a much larger star-shaped hole. Sure, it might be a part of it, conceivably, but claiming that it's what makes up the whole thing is stupid.
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