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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. The Pats** would still make the playoffs without Brady, but I'm not sure they'd be big Super Bowl contenders. Belichick on the other hand I think you might be right about. He leaves and the train gets off the rails pretty quickly.
  2. Criminy. Maybe I should pursue a career in sports journalism. 1. Make your guy run well and their guys run not so well. 2. Make your quarterback make good plays and the other one not as many good plays. 3. Play well! Thanks, Vic.
  3. Poor kid. I have a source that says that Belichick owes a big debt to Molech...
  4. And 1980, and we know what happened then.
  5. What WaPo wants you to do here is assume that since black men account for 6% of the population, they only account for about 6% of total interactions with the police as well, which is false. That 40% number doesn't look so high once you realize that. This is of course not to say that there isn't a problem with police shootings in this country. But the whole "lies, damn lies, and statistics" thing is highly relevant in articles like that.
  6. And I thought he was making fun of TSW posters.
  7. I hate the dolphins I really hate the dolphins !@#$ the damn dolphins
  8. Peak Bills Mafia
  9. I'm excited about Mikkelsen, though I'm not sure how much he'll actually be shown. But Yen is definitely a bright spot in this cast and I'm looking forward to this.
  10. Love Deadspin comments:
  11. It already is. There is chatter among SJW's that straight black men are the "white men" of black people. As to this little story, let's see if I can conjure up something in SJW language: "Just because the owner is black doesn't mean he can't have internalized racism! Look at Ben Carson! Or Clarence Thomas! They must be racist because they're conservative, so the oreo cupcake people must be racist too because... muh feelings!"
  12. So edgy, bro. Careful to not get cut.
  13. In fairness, if his wife's picture doesn't scream "beard" I don't know what does.
  14. Kaine looks like a creep. That's basically all I got from the one screen that had it on in the bar last night.
  15. A "Chicago dog," much like "Chicago pizza," is an abomination to God and spittle on the name of "hot dog."
  16. What are the NYets wearing? Is it gonna be another Christmas/!@#$ the color blind bowl?
  17. Beets. That's it. Just beets. I'll happily try anything that I haven't tried before but I can't stand beets.
  18. I disagree. People have been voting to upend the constitution since the Depression, moreso since 1968. Sure, there's been an uptick due to things like 9/11 and the like, but people by and large are willing to give up their rights (and, more importantly, other people's rights) at the polls for a bit of security.
  19. And, again, people have no problem voting for that kind of ****. Why bother with the violent means?
  20. Right-minded people putting down these folks like rabid dogs? That I can see. Full-scale civil war? Ehhh not so much. I get your point I just don't see it happening on a large scale.
  21. My point was more that nobody would start such a rebellion against such overwhelming odds, so there's no war to lose. Besides, why would they bother pushing a violent means to that end? People turn out en masse every November to vote for a police state. The overwhelming majority of BLM are absolutely not violent or dangerous. To suggest that every (or even most of the) violent action is committed by a paid agitator from outside the group, though, is naïve to the extreme.
  22. Fair enough. But as a big fan of Occam's Razor, I have to ask whether it's more likely that there's a racial/civil unrest agenda being pushed on us or if multiculturalism/diversity+proximity just doesn't work.
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