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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. He's called himself a "black dick supremacist" before, fir chrissakes.
  2. Guys I can't hear your posts over the very loud slurping sounds.
  3. Who's getting pregnant?
  4. Question: when did churches begin to have limits on their political activity?
  5. Nothin' like a good parody thread. All rhetorical questions are accusations.
  6. She was trying to figure out how gaping your vaganus is. I'm down to get lunch around then.
  7. http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-raimondo-trump-derangement-syndrome-20161226-story.html I've thought so for a long time.
  8. Berkeley's mayor reportedly gave a "stand down" order.
  9. Judging by "her" jaw, hands, and feet, this dude is quite progressive indeed.
  10. Little joke for DCTom, Greg, slash, et al. Q: How do Reavers clean their harpoons? A: They put them through the Wash
  11. Did you read what I wrote?
  12. Obligatory reminder that several Democrat senators have voted to confirm every single nomination so far. For DeVos to go, you'd need one more defector and every single Democrat to vote against her.
  13. What is significant about this group is that while Tester and Heitkamp and Manchin are facing tough reelection fights in states that went for Trump, Durbin, Blumenthal, and Coons have seats for life and they have strong credibility with the Democrat base. If they aren’t pushing filibuster then, more likely than not, it isn’t going to happen. Schumer has pretty much locked himself into pushing a filibuster and daring McConnell to get rid of the filibuster. This is going to strike directly at his ability to lead his caucus in the coming fights. Not only that, but Durbin's position as minority whip speaks loudly here as well.
  14. Glad I could bring out the nerd rage
  15. Just their faces, Boyst! Though Pelosi's alone is enough to make one hurl. Undoubtedly.
  16. Yeah - him and Pelosi's faces were dancing before my eyes when I started reading the news last night.
  17. Firefly was cancelled because it just wasn't very good, Tom. I want Vandermint to come back. Mmm, dutch coffee.
  18. The Republicans are just kicking Dems in the nuts and spiking the football at this point. The bitterness runs deep.
  19. Sotomayor at least had judicial experience. Kagan, on the other hand...
  20. Really a solid pick. I'm parsing through some of his opinions today. He's cut from the same cloth as Scalia; those who are fans of Scalia's style of jurisprudence should be very happy that Gorsuch is his replacement.
  21. It's too bad the USA's contribution was https://www.pmchollywoodlife.files.wordpress.com/2016/06/miss-usa-beauty-lead1.jpg?w=600'> pretty weak (relatively speaking) this year. But still clearly would.
  22. Who remembers the "our children are watching" ad? Video in link is NSFW (language, bitterbitches) https://twitter.com/TimRunsHisMouth/status/823922489780817920?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
  23. So he subscribes to mainline evangelical views? Shocked, shocked I say.
  24. He already has. Brady's little project next to the stadium makes sure he gets paid in ways that the NFL doesn't have to know about.
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