IIRC, she specifically cited the board's "treatment" of Tim Graham when she flounced. And yes, she had a whole topic about her flouncing.
Make of that what you will.
Millennials will not "save" the Democratic party, at least in its current iteration. Millennials are much more likely to end up splitting the Democratic party, if only for a time.
Or the socialist millenials will all just register Green party instead.
If I've said it once I've said it thousands of times: multikult does not work. End of story. The way these people live is not compatible with Western values. Sweden is committing cultural suicide and their "feminist government" bloviates about Trump's choice of men for his cabinet while happily donning hijabs in Iran. The doublethink would be hilarious if it weren't so horrific.
That's assuming, of course, that each of those 14 uses their money responsibly. You can make $500k a year and still be "house poor" if you've gone and done stupid **** with that money.
Azalin nails it. As Gen X and Boomers get older they start despising Millenials, just like the Greatest Generation (rightfully) despised them. It's daddy issues all the way down.