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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Yeah it starts way before the pro level - even when it comes to which sports the kids play, and it's more than just physical characteristics. The richer kids will play golf, hockey, and lacrosse while the poorer kids will play basketball and (in any place that isn't the USA) soccer. So once you get up to the pro level it's already been long decided what "type" of person you end up evaluating.
  2. That !@#$er was long. I have no doubt that's true. And the point about people inside the sport ridiculing people who come in from outside the sport is well-taken. The people that played and/or coached the sport are probably highly susceptible to basing their "predictions" for players based on what they've seen in the past. But calling it a racial "divide" is sanctimonious at best. Sports, especially the NFL, is big money, bigger than it ever has been in history. The idea that scouts and GMs are consciously trying to keep a divide going is ridiculous.
  3. I refuse to give The Unduhfeetehd any clicks. That said, pro sports are about numbers and how well you can play. Don't think there are many scouts or GMs who care much about anything else.
  4. Well several people on this board have sources and the legitimate ones always make sure to compromise their relationship with their sources by giving tons of random internet strangers inside info, so I imagine you'll have your answers by 5:30 or so.
  5. Probably drinking beer and practicing at home, waiting on the updates from WGR.
  6. No way, that's when they can pat themselves on the dick for being so with it! After all, it's the current year!
  7. Make that lunch a wet lunch for them and I'd pay $7 a month for it.
  8. Suuuuuurrrrre he was. Wonder how big the insurance policy on that rabbit's life was.
  9. Classic ESPN. Hemorrhaging money because your content sucks and barely qualifies as sports anymore, so who do you cut? Some of the best actual, you know, reporters that you have. Meanwhile the abortion that's on at 6 now with Michael and whatshername with the latest reports on where NBA players' girlfriends are going on vacation continues. Not to mention giving LeBetard his own TV spot with the mannequin that sits next to him. Some people weren't made for TV. Good !@#$in' riddance, ESPN. Hurry up and die. Edited to add: you know what? They should go to a 24-hour loop of classic sportscenter. Get two anchors who can actually talk sports with highlights and the occasional sports news from some actual reporters. Re-shoot every 12 hours. I'd watch that until I fell asleep every night.
  10. I went there once and received the shittiest service I've ever gotten at a restaurant. Food was good through and very reasonable price-wise.
  11. Started a new job recently, so no summer travel this year. I prefer using my vacation time/money going to warm places when it's cold here anyway. Couple of weddings to go to, both are gonna have open bars and single women. Lots of drinking outside my favorite bars. I'll make the best of it.
  12. Even money says you're a boomer. Almost all employment nowadays is at-will. They can fire him for no reason whatsoever if they feel like it.
  13. I've got half a damn mind
  14. She still gonna be around?
  15. Don't just stare at it, eat it! I'll go with Mark Knopfler. The guy gets some recognition but I think him and Dire Straits are still not in the R&R HOF.
  16. My problem would be calling posters by their old handles. 3rdnlng, Greg, gatorman, etc.
  17. Frankly I'm surprised you could put together 64 PPP users.
  18. I feel like Boeheim
  19. You matched me up with EII??? Do you want my head to explode? And wtf I deserve better than an 8 seed after my smackdown of keepthefaith a few years ago: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/162504-keepthefaith-vs-levif91/
  20. I hear this. I've been less active the past couple of years (while ironically interacting with some folks from here IRL more and more), which has included several-month "breaks." Seems to be good for my sanity: one less thing about the Bills to deal with
  21. He just forgot "not that there's anything wrong with that." ...not that there's anything wrong with that.
  22. The Dean pops in once in a while over on the football board, as does The Senator. Neither are as active as they once were. Steely Dan flounced several years ago, before the Last Post Wins thread got closed. I think his feelings were hurt over on PPP, but I can't be sure. One that I miss is YE OLE (aka Cotton Fitzsimmons).
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