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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. I tried to pre-empt it, but someone will. Gar-uhn-teed
  2. "Like" home???!?!?!!11??one! He might as well have said "little jobs." Any millionaire twenty-something who doesn't worship the Erie-stained streets of the Nickel City needs to be run out on a rail!
  3. Figured something light-hearted might be appreciated. One of my favorite things to do is watch videos of these "sovereign citizen" or "freemen of the land" morons getting tased. Take a look (the fun really starts at 2:00, but if you're in for a good headache I highly recommend watching the first two minutes as well): https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=b8d_1413049025&amp%3B Another good one (again, fun starts about 2:00 in): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kAGByZvCoc&feature=youtu.be
  4. No doubt. We tend to "stick to our own," as it were. You're fairly reasonable, so you tend to talk to fairly reasonable people. Lame virtue signaling upthread aside, there are lots of unreasonable people in the world. The particular set we're discussing just happens to have added civilian casualties to their resume supposedly in the name of your god.
  5. Depends on your criteria, but Lebanon and Turkey are pretty chill when it comes to the public opinions there.
  6. Sunday, Sept 10 - Bills vs. Jets Win Sunday, Sept 17 - Bills @ Panthers Loss Sunday, Sept. 24 - Bills vs. Broncos Loss Sunday, Oct 1 - Bills @ Falcons Loss Sunday, Oct 8 - Bills @ Bengals Win Sunday, Oct 22 - Bills vs. Buccaneers Loss Sunday, Oct 29 - Bills vs. Raiders Loss Thursday, Nov 2 - Bills @ Jets Win Sunday, Nov 12 - Bills vs. Saints Win Sunday, Nov 19 - Bills @ Chargers Loss Sunday, Nov 26 - Bills @ Chefs Loss Sunday, Dec 3 - Bills vs. Patriots* Loss Sunday, Dec 10 - Bills vs. Colts Win Sunday, Dec 17 - Bills vs Fish Win Sunday, Dec 24 - Bills @ Patriots* Loss Sunday, Dec 31 - Bills @ Fish Loss Woo 6-10
  7. Do you believe in the separation of church and state? The vast majority of Muslims in Asian and African nations do not, including Jordan and Palestine (Pew 2015). As of 2013 being an atheist could get you executed in exactly 13 countries, all of which are Islamic by law (obviously not Western). As of 2010 70% of Jordanian Muslims are in favor of stoning as an appropriate punishment for adultery, 58% are in favor of whipping or cutting off of hands for thievery or robbery, and a whopping 86% are in favor of the death penalty for those who turn from Islam (Pew). Also 2010, 55% of Jordanian Muslims view Hezbollah favorably, 60% view Hamas favorably, and 34% view al-Qaeda favorably. Also 2010, 45% of Jordanian Muslims believe that suicide bombing can be justified. Meanwhile the numbers don't even begin to compare to Muslims in Western nations. It's not the same, it's not even close, which I believe points to a strong influence of tribalism among Muslims in places that aren't the West. That's what I was referring to when I said your brand of Islam, an Islam either not infected by or minimally influenced by tribalism.
  8. That's because outside of the West the brand of Islam that you practice is virtually non-existent.
  9. Truth.
  10. Pft I don't blame Boomers for the way Millenials act. People know what manners are, whether they were taught them by their parents or not. Society has a way of beating it into us.
  11. Yeah, there's no obvious difference between Boomers and the Greatest Generation.
  12. Well there's no sense in that. The scales won't fall off until he realizes that the narrative he's pushing is part of what gets these home-grown terrorists "radicalized."
  13. So it's been a week. Where's our impeachment? Oh right, same place it's been for four months.
  14. See, there's part of the issue: they don't even view those people as Muslims. Do you have any idea how these radical Islamists look at Western Muslims? It's like how an evangelical in Nebraska might look at an Episcopalian in Portland, except add bombs and ****. To wit: not one of us. So they're targets too.
  15. Dolphin is haram.
  16. http://nypost.com/2017/05/23/murder-suspect-who-used-big-penis-defense-found-not-guilty/
  17. Two cigarettes (full-flavored, none of that gold or silver garbage) and a Monster Rehab.
  18. Yeah, that's what he wore to the Bills-Ravens game last year.
  19. Start a new restaurant?? The man wants to retire!
  20. Yeah I went to a couple UB games last year, their run blocking was atrocious. The only bright spot was their left tackle.
  21. Yes, there is. It's called location. Like it or not a lot more people want to live there than in PA.
  22. At the end: Sounds about right.
  23. I forget, are you across the pond? If so we already ran him off. Your problem again.
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