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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Walked into that one.
  2. Put it this way: you wouldn't get in.
  3. I have none, not that I haven't thought about it. I have a 24 hour rule for purchases above a certain amount (any tattoo worth getting typically falls above that amount). No tattoo idea has passed the 24 hour check for me. Yet. Can't have any visible tats for my job anyway.
  4. Like half an hour ago: Slurs about your geriatric status aside, my only skin in this game is to point out that rock is alive. Seems like every time there's a thread about music here the nostalgia glasses go on and the complaints about "kids these days" or whatever aren't far behind. Is there a lot more **** out there now? Hell yeah. Access to the kind of equipment needed to make music is more plentiful than ever. But that cuts both ways. There's still a lot of good music out there. People that find it go to shows and support it however they can. People that don't find it B word and moan about how there's no good music out there anymore.
  5. You: "rock is dead." Also you: "I've been to more shows in the last five years than the rest of my life combined." So...
  6. Note to self: if hanging out with Kirby do not take him to karaoke night.
  7. Yes, to a black agender pansexual vegan. Hopefully that checks enough boxes.
  8. I'm a Wagner and Liszt kind of guy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpOtuoHL45Y
  9. !@#$ you guys, rock's not dead. Not even close. Just because you AARP dickheads have one foot in the grave doesn't mean you need to stop up your ears.
  10. I dare you, mother!@#$er.
  11. I second Mean Girls. Great film.
  12. The Star-Spangled Banner, you !@#$ing communists.
  13. "Unwantedly sexualized" Give me a !@#$ing break. You're doing a trick shot off your breasts. Sweetheart, that's wantedly sexualized if I ever seen it.
  14. Fatty cappy sub at Ragonese Imports: Fatty cap LTO Hot pepper relish O&V Italian sub roll - unseeded
  15. That Stromboli is the truth. And they practically shove it into your car on your way out.
  16. The place I worked for wasn't in a really terrible area. Child welfare on the other hand...some places I'd bring extra shoelaces to tie around my pant legs to keep roaches and other creepy crawlies from getting up my leg. It amazes me the kind of awful conditions people can get used to. The smell in some places was so bad I started carrying a little container of Vicks that I could daub under my nose before I went inside. A lot of the time these folks couldn't smell it because they'd lived that way for so long.
  17. Back then a really nice one would run you between $150 and $175 a month. Lower end ones probably like $80 or so.
  18. Nothing I saw in that job compares to the horror stories I could tell from my time in child welfare. I just loved walking out with stuff. Three months of no payment on that refrigerator? Unplugged and on the dolly it goes. Don't care how much food you have in it. Funny how once you get to the door they suddenly have some cash to get started on the back money due.
  19. Oh man. I did some time as a repo guy for a furniture/tv/appliance rentals place. Best job ever.
  20. I can't even remember the last time I really flipped out. I tend to just simmer.
  21. Every day we stray further from God's light.
  22. My thoughts exactly. Although one thread (maybe the Gettleman one) turned into an argument over the definition of "The South" within five pages or something. One guy linked to the census bureau.
  23. OP starts thread on agreement. Thread devolves into argument about steak. Never change, PPP. Never change.
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