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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. And? I don't think the Ravens are in the market for police officers.
  2. Did we see the same girl?
  3. I'm not sure what Uyger was thinking when he decided to debate Shapiro.
  4. Because she ran off with a dude who had the balls to get a neck tattoo?
  5. Yeah if you've called already don't call again. If she's feeling up to it then great, she'll call and apologize. If not, oh well there are plenty more where that came from. You'll get out there, man.
  6. Did you already arrange a time and place to meet?
  7. And even more particularly not from a Buffalo Bills message board. What kind of loser even visits such a place?
  8. lol CNN really reached for this one.
  9. Don't tell her you asked for advice online.
  10. I forgot this. I should Drink Less.
  11. Eh, you've already given your face to facebook/instashit/tinder. I use an 8 digit pin on my phone, but I can lock and track my phone from my laptop.
  12. The problem is you're breaking rules 1 and 2 of the sexual marketplace: 1. Be attractive 2. Don't be unattractive
  13. Yeah but she doesn't ask you to do that...
  14. I mean really, for me, a good, solid RKO through a flaming table just can't be beat.
  15. I'm pregnant
  16. So...is that not a wrong reason to do this?
  17. Nacho cheese doritos piled on a plate Shredded cheddar Salsa Pop it in the microwave and watch the cheese melt. Ghetto nachos
  18. Can't prove a negative, but I'd be hard-pressed to prove the opposite so that's what I'm going with. As TYTT pointed out, people can make the right decision for the wrong reason. That's what I believe is happening here.
  19. Look at it this way - worst case scenario you get to have a meal with someone who wanted to have a meal with you and some pleasant conversation. That by itself is worth getting out of the house for, even if it doesn't go anywhere else. It's no big deal, so have fun and be sure to report back with pics.
  20. Frozen chicken patty Whatever tomato sauce Shredded mozz Toss it in the microwave Boom, instant ****ty chicken parm.
  21. Trump's reasoning (if there is any) isn't about mental illness, but mental illness is certainly part of the conversation.
  22. Voted approve and will continue to do so until that dang impeachment I was promised comes down. Since that was such a sure bet I can only assume that Trump has done a phenomenal job not doing anything criminal.
  23. It's in the DSM-5. You can quibble over the terminology but in essence that's what they're talking about.
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