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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Well as long as I don't have to be open-minded and respectful I'm not going to be. Woohoo!
  2. This is funny, for a number of reasons. But first: how many have been killed thanks to terrorism by white supremacist groups on US soil?
  3. It's all good It's alright Shitpost all day Shitpost all night
  4. Helpful website for those wondering what's going on: https://www.istrumpstillpresident.com/
  5. One might think you actually saw beaver at some point in your life, contrary to popular opinion. Have you, indeed, seen beaver before?
  6. I still can't believe anyone has anybody on ignore in here. But ok, if you promise not to be confused when I seemingly post random ****
  7. I dunno, I think he looks alright here:
  8. If the Dems nominate Warren in 2020 all it'll result in is the country realizing that the DNC hasn't learned a damn thing.
  9. That's because I'm too pretty for prison.
  10. Wind River looks pretty good, actually saw a commercial for it last night. Nice timing. Thinking about seeing it tonight.
  11. Just say no.
  12. Oh not this **** again
  13. They quoted the article in large sections. The natural reading of the original piece is, essentially, "it's time to kill free speech because muh fee fees."
  14. Ah, the days before you couldn't charge minors as adults. Paroled at 19 isn't bad though. That's just plain weird.
  15. Or you could, you know, read the original piece: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/made-by-history/wp/2017/08/22/when-free-speech-becomes-a-political-weapon/?utm_term=.520ac73017b9
  16. Yes, god forbid some poor schmuck making $45k in NYC actually do what his bosses tell him to do. Totally his fault
  18. People can move incredibly fast. An officer should be standing at least 21 feet from a criminal armed with a knife, because a relatively fit person can close space shorter than that faster than the average cop can draw and fire their weapon. Combine that with nerves, adrenaline, and things moving as quickly as they do during these situations, taking out four on your own before they could get to anyone with their weapons is pretty awesome.
  19. Do not respond to leftist demands that you disavow this, that, or the other thing. It's a tactic used to police how you talk about things. You'll notice the leftists in this thread feel free to use very strong language to attack conservative positions while claiming it is offensive that conservatives use strong language to attack leftist positions. They will conflate your "disavowal" with permission to not just attack far-right positions, but to attack any conservative/traditional position. They will not extend to you the same courtesy. The game is not dialectic, it's rhetoric. Anytime you engage in dialectic with a leftist you will lose because that's not what people respond to now.
  20. Jeez, I predicted 6 wins. Now I can't get $150 donated in my name to assuage my guilt for being stingy with hobos.
  21. No, they're anti-this establishment. They want an oppressive regime just as much as neo-Nazis do, just in a different flavor.
  22. This is why I like going out with shorter (relative to me - so almost all) girls. Put an arm around them while walking and it's a great view.
  23. 1. You're an idiot. 2. I didn't respond to Boyst's post because (1) Hitler didn't die fighting for what he believed in, he died by his own hand, a coward, and (2) Because I enjoy seeing him troll idiots like you. Speaking of spines, let me know when you aren't triggered by obvious trolling anymore.
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