A man comes home from work to find his pet bird laying at the bottom of the cage, limp.
He rushes the bird to the emergency animal clinic and with one look the vet says, "yep, that bird's dead."
The man says "how can you be sure? You only looked at her!"
The vet sighs and says, "alright, we can triple check to be sure." The vet leaves the room and comes back in with a big black dog. The dog walks over to the limp bird, gives it a sniff and a lick, and sadly shakes his head at the vet before exiting the room.
As soon as the dog left, in walked a kitten. He jumped up next to the bird and did the same thing, just shaking its head and sadly meowing at the vet before leaving.
The man says, "wow, that's amazing, I guess you were right." When he leaves the secretary hands him his bill.
The man bursts back into the vet's office and screams, "FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS!!???? All you did was look at my bird!"
The vet says to him, "well if I had only looked at the bird it would have been twenty dollars, but the lab report and cat scan are extra."