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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Is he a kid-diddler like most Disney execs?
  2. Really dude? The only bad things said about Obama were because he was black (ish)? Talk about selective hearing.
  3. Six home runs, 1.309 OPS in his last ten. Hopefully he's finally shaking off this slump.
  4. A man comes home from work to find his pet bird laying at the bottom of the cage, limp. He rushes the bird to the emergency animal clinic and with one look the vet says, "yep, that bird's dead." The man says "how can you be sure? You only looked at her!" The vet sighs and says, "alright, we can triple check to be sure." The vet leaves the room and comes back in with a big black dog. The dog walks over to the limp bird, gives it a sniff and a lick, and sadly shakes his head at the vet before exiting the room. As soon as the dog left, in walked a kitten. He jumped up next to the bird and did the same thing, just shaking its head and sadly meowing at the vet before leaving. The man says, "wow, that's amazing, I guess you were right." When he leaves the secretary hands him his bill. The man bursts back into the vet's office and screams, "FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS!!???? All you did was look at my bird!" The vet says to him, "well if I had only looked at the bird it would have been twenty dollars, but the lab report and cat scan are extra."
  5. Those dead, soulless eyes. That's a thousand-rooster stare if I've ever seen one. Edit: love the new autocorrections, SDS
  6. Can you imagine the twitter firestorm if they got two white dudes to fill in? College Gameday is still pretty good.
  7. The date is Friday, September 15th 2017. The time is 8:55AM. Donald Trump has been president for 237 days, 20 hours, and 8 minutes. Still no impeachment or resignation.
  8. Just "part and parcel" of living in London.
  9. ESPN is a joke. So are SC6 and the two clowns that anchor it.
  10. Fake news! The Grio refuses to call them bums! Sad!
  11. There's a ton of them in the Capital District. One of my favorite bars is in the Quackenbush House.
  12. He got treated better than most Jets fans I saw
  13. How does it compare to Rebecca Black's seminal commentary on the inevitable passage of time, "Friday"?
  14. Huh? Have you never seen the phrase "in recent memory" before?
  15. He certainly gave the green light for it. That took balls (I think, I don't really know how those things work).
  16. Indeed, most Sabres games are on MSG2 in the Capital District/Hudson Valley
  17. Too bad the pussies in Congress didn't get one of those together for Obama and radical Islamic extremism.
  18. Nice headline but I guess that's what you can expect from Fake News outlets like WaPo.
  19. And I'd never lie to you
  20. I think a bunch of it depends on where you sit. I sat in the 300s. Plenty of moderately drunk people and the entire section was on its feet for every third down plus the failed 2 point conversion.
  21. I've missed one or two in the past. It's not so bad since I saw *AHEM* MOST of the regular 518 crew at the home opener tailgate.
  22. Probably won't make it - as of now I'm going to be in NYC for work and won't be back until late that afternoon. A bunch of the 518 guys will be going to the game.
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