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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. "No lawful immigration status" for everyone who can't produce documentation here. Not in the business of prosecuting immigration law so we don't bother with all the official terms unless there's a criminal warrant sworn out by ICE or active detainer in place.
  2. Biden was once a formidable demagogue with all the blue collar old-school working class Dem credentials. Many have forgotten. But illegal, alien, thug, etc. were all once part of his weekly vocabulary on the hill and, as old men tend to do, he occasionally drops back into old verbiage.
  3. I mean, sometimes. NYS is an outlier but it's the only one I know. Their (and their families') health insurance is paid for, pension, fee-free deferred comp, tenure, etc. are all worth something. But a bachelor's degree only gets you so far (they do need a master's in either education or, if they're a specialized instructor, their specialization) and the same argument is made on behalf of every public servant to justify increasing their pay. Including those in my field, though many of them couldn't find similar total compensation in the private sector as there aren't many analogues, so it tends to fall flat to me.
  4. I guess the follow up question would be, where? Teachers in NYS average 87k last I knew. A steady climb on that for the last 25 years, whilst student performance continues to decline. There’s more to that than teachers though.
  5. Gotta restructure his pants first
  6. Blues why do you worry me? why do you stay so long? Blues why do you worry me? why do you stay so long? You come to me yesterday been with me all night long I've been so worried I didn't know what to do I've been so worried I didn't know what to do So I guess that's why I've had these midnight hour blues
  7. Fun fact: before he caught HIV, his daily “HIV medicine” could have been simply a pre-exposure prophylactic (PreP) that costs the taxpayers $2,000 per month for him alone. You subsidize guys like this bathhouse ***** to the tune of $2,000 per month. Oh, and every other catamite who wants it, to the tune of billions of dollars per year. And that’s not to mention his antiretrovirals. Lord only knows
  8. The capability to murder is part of the fetish charm.
  9. LeviF

    2024 Concerts

    Depends on who you ask I guess https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/the-guess-who-founders-sue-band-false-advertising-trademark-1234863424/
  10. It’s not bothersome so much as it is just stupid. Gays, blacks, jews, etc. vote largely as a bloc. Silly for any republican to attempt to court any of them. Another example why Dems win and republicans lose.
  11. Woke more correct moment. It’s just that “democracy” doesn’t mean to them what you would find in the dictionary.
  12. So there’s a caste system in your religion too. Interesting.
  13. You realize you’re just making my point for me, right?
  14. Oliver’s show is “good” in the same way the daily show with Jon Liebowitz was “good.” Hypnotic pacing woven into bite sized motte and Bailey-laden paragraphs meant to make people feel superior for not carefully listening.
  15. They’re not felony criminal mischief, which is what he was charged with.
  16. Leftist icon/blasphemy law: https://nypost.com/2024/02/14/news/florida-man-dylan-brewer-arrested-for-vandalising-lgbtq-pride-mural/amp/ Leftist faith with no evidence: blank slatism. Denial of science: IQ, statistics, etc. Both of these they will organize around and foam at the mouth should they ever be brought up.
  17. Leftism is a religion. It has icons, blasphemy laws, organization around shared beliefs unsubstantiated by observation or evidence, etc.
  18. As I’ve said before, don’t have much skin in the religion game. I recognize that I am a religious stranger to heritage America. If only leftist “Catholics” like joe would recognize that too.
  19. And yet the first one before today says “my complaints about Trump are well-documented” lol you’re such a putz.
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