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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Of course, the timing of all these accusations coming to public light (post-primary) is politically expedient as well. But nah, that has nothing to do with anything.
  2. Pull on your short shorts and strap on your FAL, men, it's time to Make Zimbabwe Rhodesia Again! http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-41997982
  3. Dude, when's the last time GQ was relevant? Trump gave them some push since they were a Fake News establishment already, but I'm not sure anyone cares who they name their citizen of the year.
  4. It's usually the last house a young(er) couple ever plans on buying. To raise a family in, grow old in, etc.
  5. Like during work? Or after work when you feel like you can't shake it off? During work: zone out and listen to music, go bum a cigarette off someone, take a walk, shitpost on TBD. After work: go to the range, go to the gym, have a drink, watch stupid TV.
  6. Sieg heil, ****heads And yes I'm aware Hitler would be more towards the middle on the left-right line shut up already Tom.
  7. Not for lack of "headaches" and "don't feel like it" though, you perv.
  8. It's almost as if they didn't think it through!
  9. The poster has changed, but how do you think they're enforcing that rule when both parties are drunk?
  10. Definitely do it before you get wings. Doing it after sounds like a recipe for pain.
  11. No. And don't expect it to - both sides support this sort of thing.
  12. Wew got a candidate for posting the obvious today!
  13. Not sure I'd call them "friends."
  14. Coastal Carolina. Oh but here's the thing: a college can have their own disciplinary board (read: kangaroo court) and can suspend or expel "Jake" without him being able to face his accuser or be represented by an attorney. It's not prison, but it sucks.
  15. I drank. That's about it.
  16. I know. How was your weekend?
  17. You suck haha
  18. It won't stop until they've completely criminalized straight male sexuality. The ultimate goal of modern feminism is to invert the sexual market to the benefit of ugly women by removing all constraints on female sexuality and any moral agency from women while maximally restricting and criminalizing (even pathologizing, if I may) male sexuality and placing all of the moral responsibility on men. Case in point: the below poster which lays out how a university in this country treats a particular situation between two adults:
  19. Cheap booze Ketamine That's pretty much what keeps me going.
  20. "Damn girl, when you gonna let me clap dem cheeks?"
  21. It's probably more about strapping one on and teaching their boyfriends about the "great equalizer." But yeah you do you bro.
  22. Those tricky sex offender guidelines are a B word and a half.
  23. False accusations are a big problem in this country before you even take celebrity and wealth into account.
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