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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Good way to end up with your dick in a jar. But yeah, sure.
  2. As for me, I haven't changed my socks since the win over the Bucs. They're relatively clean - they get the soap and shampoo runoff every morning. Walking to work with wet feet sucks though.
  3. Superstition around clothing is a "what have you done for me lately" sort of deal, in my eyes. If the last time you wore it was a loss, it must be burned.
  4. Bruh if you get on the road now you'll get to Metlife in plenty of time.
  5. My point isn't that gun control measures can't be passed, my point is that the pro-2A folks have the high ground there. It's in the Constitution. Republicans may be hypocrites about it, because they don't give a **** about the 2nd, but those of us who refuse to compromise on it aren't hypocrites.
  6. Our very own Turbo is a dead ringer for McD.
  7. Yes he did. The Republicans have done mostly nothing but pay lip service to the 2nd for upwards of three generations. At this point I'm willing to concede nothing on guns. The only lobbying group I give money to is the GOA. I think gun rights should be non negotiable.
  8. There's no hypocrisy at all. Gun ownership is a right that shall not be infringed by the government and should be treated as such. Immigration to this country is a privilege and should be treated as such.
  9. Which he had the right to do under Florida law. Anyway, back on topic. OJ is definitely innocent. I think that's pretty well settled. Now what about the weird larceny stuff? Frankly I think star athletes and actors should get passes on silly stuff like that.
  10. Well done, you made me laugh for the first time this week.
  11. To be fair, there were shots fired and lots of bloody people on the ground. I can forgive GG for this one.
  12. Their final offer was only half of what they gave you. And your gumbo sucks.
  13. You do realize you're not effectively making the point you want to make, right?
  14. That poor driver really wanted his truck stereo back.
  15. I'd pose for pictures with the guy. !@#$ the haters.
  16. It's excellent political propaganda. It feeds the liberal delusion that white men are the most dangerous individuals in this country. It'll get the hippies and fags out to vote in droves. Gillespie needs to fight back with similar rhetoric laced with realtalk. This is the game that Dems have been playing for years. Time for Repubs to win for once.
  17. Saw a kid dressed as Gilbert Perreault while I was handing out candy at my friend's place last night. Got a whole handful of the good candy bars from me.
  18. Physics called. They have an explanation for you.
  19. Chatted them up but was too deep into the bottle at that point to really do anything about it. Didn't stick around long.
  20. Yes, because what I'm looking for at the bar on Friday or Saturday night is the ability to form an independent thought.
  21. I'll catch **** for this but that's a hard pass from me.
  22. You could always just pay for it and do the first and last nights. Still a great price for two nights of that.
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