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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Having to see family you don't want to see: check Getting that uncontrollable urge to drink, even at work: check The Bills are making me miserable again: check Yep, it's the holidays alright.
  2. Oo goody! Now we get to hear about how communism totally works it's just that those filthy eurotrash didn't do it right! Thanks, tibs!
  3. It's all about the Benjamins, baaabyyyy. The opposition coalition spent like 5 times as much as the pro-concon folks. I read a couple of articles (one was on Business Insider, I don't remember the other one) that were pro-Concon editorials. But again I don't vote.
  4. I shitpost on several fora, use snapchat for trolling Boyst, and tinder and bumble to disappoint women. No instashit or failbook for me. Edit: Boyst how the hell is there only one vote for tinder/bumble/etc.? Don't lie in your own poll!
  5. Always remember kids: SJWs always lie.
  6. Well the Constitutional Convention got voted down like 4-1. Not a surprise considering how the polls were trending.
  7. A bot that says "google it, Sue" whenever someone mentions "homework" in a post.
  8. Call me cynical, but I fail to see how more bought and paid for elections (delegates) will cause more change than other bought and paid for elections (legislators).
  9. Whatever **** you smoked before your intro to psych lecture this morning...I want some.
  10. FYI, Cuomo came out yesterday and said that he has decided to vote no on the measure. Said that he was concerned about how delegates could be selected or something, which to me read as "I'm not sure this would benefit me." Though Cuomo voting no could be a compelling reason to vote yes
  11. You have to pay him for that advice.
  12. I'm genuinely curious as to what you think that might be. As I said above, it's insanely easy to change the NYS Constitution as is.
  13. Here I thought it was just because you were a prick
  14. Not necessarily. There are different kinds of background checks for different agencies; not every background check you run on someone will return every crime they've committed. I don't know what Texas uses for firearm purchases.
  15. Immigration is a privilege and the laws surrounding it have long been weak (DACA, the elimination of quotas, IRCA). Firearm ownership is a right that shall not be infringed.
  16. I can eat wings whenever, wherever. My limitation is that it can't be my entire meal. Even if I put down 20 wings I'm gonna want some fries or a side salad or something.
  17. Time to have a national conversation about left wing terrorism. June: Bernie bro shoots up Congressmen at baseball practice September: Refugee shoots up church in Tennessee October: Registered Democrat kills 60 at country music concert November: Atheist with antifa sympathies shoots up church in Texas And just the other day a crazed leftist attacked Senator Rand Paul in his backyard.
  18. Sounds more like a Mead Mead
  19. Misanthropy! Dilly dilly!
  20. Quoted for truth. Erm...disregard.
  21. Not even a hint of irony. Brilliant.
  23. MODS! Ban this mof- ... aw ****.
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