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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Yeah, and Israel did 9/11. Look I generally try to listen to what you have to say but if you think the Palestinians have never had guns I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.
  2. Tomatoes on a hot dog it's basically a sandwich at that point. AND A HOT DOG IS NOT A SANDWICH YOU !@#$S
  3. Chicago "pizza," like the Chicago "hot dog," is a abomination unto God and man. Actually it's pretty tasty I just object to it being called "pizza."
  4. This isn't a terrible idea. Only issue is I don't know of any bars that are hiring people close to 40 with no experience. Maybe start as a barback at a vet-friendly bar or a cop bar if your disability doesn't keep you from lifting and moving stuff.
  5. Their portraits are what get me. All up in uniform and everything
  6. You should stick to trolling on the main board. You aren't good at it there either but at least you'll get a rise out of someone there.
  7. The POTUS has ultimate authority but no rank, as designated by Article 2 of the US Constitution. Additionally, the UCMJ doesn't apply to him.
  8. Technically no, the POTUS is still a civilian.
  9. My guess would be the husband who caught them in bed together.
  10. Replying to say !@#$ yeah Juror's back. Hope everything's well.
  11. ASTIRISK PARTY !@#$ NEW ENGLAND*******************************************************************************************************************************
  12. Just imagine if the suit was made with more than one type of material. Double anti-Semitic!
  13. Gee, I wonder where all this anti-semitism might be coming from. Golly, it's such a danged mystery!
  14. You can't read either this is too much
  15. I can't trust people who don't drink.
  16. Buffalo Rochester Charleston, SC Lynchburg, VA
  17. Just keep naming them. Maybe you'll come up with a relevant one. I pointed out yours a while ago.
  18. Who pissed in your corn flakes, old man?
  19. Three dead friends seemed to think so.
  20. Are you kidding? Heroin and meth are way better than pot will ever be.
  21. No, see, I didn't say you're dense because I'm using that to say that your argument sucks. Your argument sucks on its face and has no sources of data aside from your upbringing in an evangelical church (that you clearly resent, try a therapist). Your density is self-evident. Greg Bahnsen is dead and so is his kooky brand of postmillennial theology.
  22. I will take your word for it. Maybe my old stoner friends just aren't cultured enough
  23. What, weed tastes so good you just pull a Slick Willie once in a while? I've yet to meet one smoker who doesn't smoke until he's high.
  24. Before anyone insists on something new, check out what some of the "newer" stuff around the league sounds like. The Ravens one made me want to drill extra holes in my head.
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