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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. You are arguing against the sovereignty of a nation state by saying that the state shouldn't disallow people from coming into their country simply because they don't want them. Borders and barriers to citizenship are two of the most important distinctions of a nation state. Its sovereignty hangs on both being strong.
  2. The fact that they don't understand why people are able to travel freely between Colorado and Louisiana and not between Canada and the US is indicative of either: 1. Retarded sovcit type "logic" or 2. just retarded.
  3. Stop moving the goalposts, shitposter extraordinaire.
  4. I'm against murderer immigration to the US.
  5. Weren't you the one bitching the other day about "ad hominem" ****?
  6. Park at Hammer's and hang out after the game with the TBD group. Pay per car. Bring booze. Eating is for sissies.
  7. I demand to know what mod has been stepping on Darin's toes. The scrubbing in this thread is outrageous!
  8. Well luckily all you have to pay back is the fake fiat paper money!
  9. You're a ****ty poster. Not in the shitposting sense, but just a bad effort overall. I get away with shitposting because...well I don't actually know why but the point is you suck haha
  10. Quoting for posterity. Because you're this much of a moron
  11. I agree with you generally, but that's some sweet lawyerspeak you threw in there.
  12. Pre-nups don't matter half the time anyway. A judge is more than happy to tear it up to allow a poor, helpless woman divorce rape her husband.
  13. In a few years? Probably half of everything he's got.
  14. Why do anything? BUY GOOOAAAAAALLLLLLLLD and ammo and enjoy the decline.
  15. The plumber that lived across the street from me when I was growing up retired at 45 and bought a boat and a hot young wife there are tradeoffs with everything. I don't regret how my life has gone so far, but that doesn't stop me from wondering.
  16. Yeah, can't believe you're that young
  17. How did this turn into a conversation about the Elderly Ladies' Orchestra?
  18. I honestly don't remember, but any idea of what I would like to do would have been informed by 10+ years of "college college COLLEGE" being drilled into my head anyway. Ultimately it was my decision, and it did open doors, but outside of silly hobbies I don't "use" my degree in any meaningful sense.
  19. I often think about what my life would be like if I had listened to literally nobody in my life and learned a trade instead of going to college. Wasn't considered an option for me - parents, friend group, relatives, teachers, guidance counselors (useless SOBs), everyone basically told me I had one option: four-year university.
  20. No. You're wrong. You're not allowed to be happy at home and at work. If you're not miserable at least some of the time, I'll come make you miserable.
  21. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-egypt-security/militants-kill-184-in-attack-on-mosque-in-egypts-north-sinai-state-media-idUSKBN1DO1AN
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