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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. You know what else isn't hard? Following orders.
  2. Must be there's no fat or old cops down there.
  3. I'm very disappointed at the casting and the apparent direction they took A Wrinkle in Time In. I won't see it, which is sad as it's one of my most beloved childhood books. I'll go see Red Sparrow since a girl keeps begging me to go and Pacific Rim because I'm a sucker for giant robots. After that I'll look at reviews and the independent films coming out and play it by ear. Btw Moviepass is awesome, highly recommended if you're a big moviegoer.
  4. We had one of those at my school, long after I left. Guy stabs his ex and her boytoy to death in her bed, calls his dad to say sorry, then kills himself with the knife.
  5. Because everybody cares about Gen X about as much as Gen X cares about anything - which is to say, very little. Also everyone likes Billy Idol? Maybe?
  6. Sounds targeted. Hopefully nobody else (except the gunman) gets hurt.
  7. Because like most Americans they only care about whatever lip service is paid to their causes? Idk man you'll have to ask them, you'll find that most people of my "ilk" aren't with me on a lot of things.
  8. Agreed, this is why I encourage all those who actually care about the 2nd Amendment to give their money to Gun Owners of America, who actually does something with your money rather than make ****ty advertisements and cave whenever there's a little bit of pressure from the left.
  9. Heard your mother was a train expert, Trebek
  10. She's married to a hosedragger bahahahahahaha
  11. One thing I've learned about Con Law: you can make a decent argument for anything (though that never meant that Scalia [RIP] wouldn't mercilessly mock you for it).
  12. The new court has basically taken zero 2nd Amendment cases at this point. A recent case that DC lost didn't even see the USSC's desk because DC decided not to appeal. Historically, the USSC has taken very few cases regarding firearm modifications. In other words: who knows?
  13. friggin boomers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_Owners_of_America
  14. No, but they are Fudd imbeciles. That's why they don't get my money. The GOA does. But notice that they didn't say "ban." And the ATF declined to put additional regulations on bump stocks way back in 2010.
  15. My argument is that a bump stock circumvents just as many regulations as a quick trigger finger does. You can still own a full auto as an individual. Takes a pretty penny and about two years of waiting, but you can. Bump fire, believe it or not, is possible without a bump stock. By your definition, we should ban bump fire altogether. And really fast trigger fingers. And aftermarket triggers. The list goes on. Of course, gun grabbers don't mind that at all. But that's neither here nor there I guess.
  16. What regulation do bump stocks circumvent, exactly?
  17. He didn't "take" $30 million, the NRA does a lot of its own advertising. But your point stands anyway. He leaves me scratching my head a lot. I still can't tell if there are people pulling his strings playing 4D chess or if he's just buffooning his way into getting conservative stuff done.
  18. Yeah I knew Donny dearest would break on gun control eventually. Good thing he got Gorsuch in first. Filed under: don't trust NYC politicians.
  19. You're holding up MPs as the height of law enforcement? Seriously? And hey, maybe service members should, you know, follow the law. Can't pull you over for speeding if you aren't speeding.
  20. Yeah, a fiat declaration by a chronically overreaching court is determining things democratically. I'm sure the deep south would like a word with you on that one. And sure, the death cult that is Planned Parenthood and her disciples who consistently equate their right to be sluts and have consequence-free sex with chopping up and vacuuming out a fetus aren't fetishizing abortion at all.
  21. Yet we have no issues with Planned Parenthood's firm grip on the "whole machine." Wonder why that is. "Fetishism" seems oddly appropriate in that context, don't it?
  22. Don't worry, members of Congress with no experience with guns are helping us out with that.
  23. You don't have to be coy about it, everyone knows it's you.
  24. Take a look at the "Assault Weapons Ban" just proposed in the House and get back to me when you can tell me you agree with each individual gun listed in there being banned.
  25. I don't recall saying anything about Dick's, but with your reading comprehension level I'm not surprised you're confused.
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