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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. And I don't understand why residents of Canuckistan insist on pontificating about issues that have nothing to do with them, yet here you are.
  2. Can't be that Canadian, doesn't say "soorry"
  3. Quebecois are pretty awful too, see them a lot on the Northway and on I-87 between Albany and NYC
  4. It's a DR-style tinfoil hat type thing, but not really tinfoil hatty because it's true. Body armor isn't gonna "kill people." So why are the "guns are only good for killing people!!!!" crowd also for banning body armor? Because the commonality between guns and body armor is this: people who possess them are harder to control.
  5. Florida is pretty bad, around the beltway in the DC area is pretty bad, Jersey is godawful. But the worst by far is MA. Boston in particular. Holy ****. In the world? Worst I've ever seen is Haiti. I asked the guy driving us (he was born and raised there, moved to the US to go to college and got a job) how the rules of the road worked there and he just said "have a big car."
  6. I actually have DGU insurance. Just another one of those things you hope you never have to cash in. Changing topics, an assault weapons ban is on the table in IL, again. And the same people who support an AWB also support banning body armor. I wonder what the commonality is there...hmm...
  7. Obligatory stop in to say that Firefly was cancelled because it sucked. Party Down was a great show. Love how it pretty much only got a couple of seasons because the washed-up actors playing washed-up actors got good gigs.
  8. Do you really trust a bunch of dagos to even take a chance at embarrassing themselves on cable TV? C'mon, man!
  9. Cannoli shells too. Fun fact, most NYC water comes from my neck of the woods. That's the real reason NY will never separate into two states. That all being said, I spoke to a bubbe in a jewish deli in Nassau county once who said that her bagels taste the same wherever she makes them.
  10. Don't bother, the dude's essentially a BLM shill but with better credentials. You can't reason someone out of an emotional position.
  11. Proper Jewish chicken noodle soup is a thing of beauty. It's not the same if it isn't made by a bubbe though. I cook a lot, though it's mainly just me so I don't make the really good stuff as much. I make a mean cordon bleu and a pretty good lasagna. Got my risotto pretty close to the way I want it. I've been trying to master the chicken meatball (there's an Italian import store that has fantastic ones) but I can't seem to get it quite right. I'll try again this weekend, soon it'll be too hot to do much stove cooking.
  12. Saw Annihilation last night. Weird film, but that's not surprising given the source material. The cinematography, audio, jumps in timeline, and how the strange content was handled made it feel like a Lars Von Trier film in some senses.
  13. Yeah...I love wings but with alternatives being cheaper (and more filling!) I find myself only eating them on special occasions or when I can get somewhere for all-you-can-eat wings. I can put down a couple dozen for a $13 or $14 (plus beer) check for the all-you-can-eat deal.
  14. This. Many departments now train for the first officer(s) on scene to press the shooter immediately (this can vary, some departments will tell you to have at least two officers, some four). Some even say to not bother clearing rooms at first, but to get to the gunfire and send rounds at the shooter as that's the most effective way to stop an active shooting. I don't know how Broward County SD is trained for active shooter situations though.
  15. But God forbid you ask a leftist to have people actually, ya know, do their jobs. Maybe McDermott should join the Democratic party and introduce them to The Process.
  16. If that report is true then the laws we have on the books already gave the Sheriff authority to seize Cruz's weapons.
  17. Serious question: why are you so upset? I haven't seen anyone this upset in PPP since JiA was still skulking around.
  18. Then go for it bro, amend the Constitution. It's been done 27 times before. Until then, shove it, kitty.
  19. Interestingly enough, Hamilton was essentially a monarchist. He later praised the four-year term for the greater good, but was desirous of a lifetime term. And the Bill of Rights was put in to put hard limits on the strengths given to the central government, a fact that seems entirely lost on your selective history.
  20. I can't agree that we can conflate the two. The debates in the Massachusetts commonwealth as well as the various pamphlets published at the time showed that the Constitution was never to be construed to prevent the people, who are "peaceable citizens," from keeping their own arms. Militias are mentioned separately.
  21. Interesting take. I'm not sure that's actually what the Court did, though, when they said that the 2nd covers self-defense in the home. Caetano is tough because it's a per curiam decision, but Heller only said that the 2nd covers the right to possess a firearm outside of service in a militia, not that the militia is the people. Edit to add: it's also noteworthy that the 2nd has both "militia" and "the people" in it as two entities.
  22. Yes, I assumed you were going somewhere else with it. Interestingly, Caetano vacated a conviction that was based on the ideas that the weapon wasn't covered by the 2nd because it wasn't commonly used when the 2nd was written and that the weapon wasn't covered by the 2nd because it was "thoroughly modern."
  23. As stated here many times, the 2nd does not say "well-regulated arms." It attaches no qualification to arms.
  24. Man, you're trotting out all the talking points today. This, kids, is what we call chronological snobbery. "It's the current year, therefore we know better!"
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