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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Regardless of what their stated purpose might be, their actual purpose is to ban private ownership of firearms. They'll take inch after inch until they get the whole mile, as the last 100 years of legislation clearly demonstrate.
  2. She's a bit plain but definitely better looking than that awful picture lets on.
  3. Uh, not me? What's your point?
  4. And again, that's not really the point. If you surrender your rights in any way you've given them the power to do whatever they want, which is exactly what the 2A was crafted to prevent.
  5. As Tasker has said, eroding the 2nd Amendment further is not strictly about BATFEces agents walking into my house, shooting my dog, and taking my guns. I'm not saying that armed patrols are out looking for my guns right now. What I'm saying is that further erosion of the 2A is giving the government the power to do just that. Making pro-2A people out to be paranoid lunatics only drives that crowd further into one-issue voting.
  6. No, ignorance because you didn't know that people do use AR platform rifles to hunt. Not knowing something is, by definition, ignorance of that something. It's not a matter of adequacy. Despite the old saying, a knife is often adequate in a gun fight, but that's not the point.
  7. Is it protected information in CA? It's not in NY, anybody can look up the status of an inmate through the DOCCS website, including release to probation/parole.
  8. Like every other failed (read: every other. full stop) Leftist idea, socialism is based on a principle of "give up some freedom for more security." To riff on Ben Franklin a bit, a man who gives up liberty for security deserves neither and is not a man.
  9. You know, you say stuff like this and it makes me happy. Roll back the bloated, overwrought programs that have been overblown and largely ineffective while !@#$ing over the American people. !@#$ yeah! Then you say **** like this without a whit of irony and it makes me sad. Let's create more bloated, overwrought programs that will be overblown and largely ineffective while !@#$ing over the American people.
  10. That doesn't make him any smarter or more informed or less immature than any other 17 year old (or however old he is). He can be criticized just like any other 17 year old with a megaphone can.
  11. Can we clear something up real quick? Being a "survivor" does not grant you special status in and of itself nor does it make your ideas/opinions any more valid than before you "survived" something nor does it put you above criticism. While "victim" and "survivor" are now the greatest titles one can hope to achieve in the SJW's world, they don't make you special. That is all.
  12. I think not being able to take a joke is what's actually actually racist. Your move, shitbird.
  13. Yeah, because having Neil deGrasse Douchebag tell you what to think is so much more think-for-yourselfie than the pope or whatever telling you what to think.
  14. Meanwhile... https://www.dailywire.com/news/22906/buzzfeed-guys-test-their-testosterone-levels-amanda-prestigiacomo
  15. Dr. Dana Fisher's quick and dirty analysis showed that less than 10% of the people involved in the march were under 18 years old. But yeah high schoolers put this together. Imbeciles.
  16. Pls stop with the autistic screeching meme. You're hurting my fee fees.
  17. Thanks for subscribing to fat facts! Did you know that approximately $147 billion is spent in added medical expenses in America every year due to obesity? Reply "STOP" to unsubscribe to fat facts.
  18. Every gun law is an infringement on my rights. If every gun law is an infringement, any gun-grabbing movement is extreme. Literally every gun law passed in Congress since 1934 only goes to show that gun control advocates will never stop. A two year wait and a $200 fee to get an SBR. Same thing for a suppressor. "Assault weapon" bans. Magazine capacity restrictions. Give me a !@#$ing break. Gun-grabbers won't stop until all you can own is a single shot muzzleloader, and then they'll come for that.
  19. Meaningful or not, it demonstrates that there are people, American citizens (probably), who do want the government to come for our guns. And yet all I hear from gun-grabbers is "nobody wants to ban all guns." SJWs. Always. Lie.
  20. And those signs that say "repeal the 2nd?"
  21. The South. Mississippi is the fattest state. Tennessee is 3. Arkansas is 4. Louisiana is 5. According to a 2014 study by the CDC the average American man is 5'9.2" and 195.7lbs. The BMI of the "average man" is then 28.7. Same study puts the average American woman 5'3.7" and 168.5lbs. The BMI of the "average woman" is then 29.2.
  22. Hey remember when LA Grant, gator, Shady et al. told us that "nobody is coming for your guns you paranoid lunatics." You guys want to own up to those lies now or later?
  23. How about "you don't turn your wife in if she doesn't try to beat the **** out of you."
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