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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Brother, you don't know the half of it.
  2. I thought of you when I made my post upthread.
  3. Fun part is she'd probably get the kids in the divorce. Other fun part is he probably paid her bond.
  4. Off-duty cop in Brazil. Every time. A fine example of a successful attempt at the room temperature challenge, though.
  5. A religious leader thinks that people who don't subscribe to their particular faith won't go to heaven? Color me shocked. Just. Shocked.
  6. He's just making a point about gun control. It's impossible for Palestinians to have guns because Palestinians are prohibited from owning them.
  7. Coming from a Mohammedian, this is hilarious.
  8. His point was that there isn't much comparison between Allen's arm and JP's or Manuel's. Not that 94mph fastballs can't win you baseball games. So do you get paid to miss the point, or is it more of a hobby?
  9. Leftovers are lucky if they last past midnight of the day I cooked/ordered them. I don't consider my meal prep "leftovers" though so for that I guess three days. I never throw out food, I just eat it in a reasonable amount of time.
  10. You're clearly new here. On the rare occasion that a racist pops up here they're promptly run out on a rail.
  11. If I recall, it was real, and was probably inserted due to the "Trump hates Mexicans" rhetoric coming from the other side.
  12. That was my favorite tweet of the campaign season. Look at how happy he is with his taco bowl.
  13. Over here, too? !@#$ you, OC.
  14. Maybe Russ made a move on Coach's wife. Do we have pics of her?
  15. I haven't been following politics nearly as closely as I used to. Sounds like he's gone full TDS. I don't think he's a serious POTUS candidate to begin with. He "balanced" Newark's budget on the backs of fired cops. Fewer cops. In Newark. What could go wrong?
  16. Looks like he is trending that way. We'll see.
  17. Obama was the perfect storm: young, charismatic, good campaigning, relatively new in national politics, and went up against quite possibly the worst Republican candidate the RNC could have come up with. McCain was basically a sacrificial lamb and Republicans just didn't have the self-awareness to know it. Could Booker replicate that? Possibly. I'm not laying money on it though, and I don't think he's far left enough (single payer health care and such) to rile up the youngest, most liberal voters. See: Clinton, Hillary.
  18. Delaney...maybe. Cuomo is a non-starter in any state that isn't mostly cidiots. He sealed his fate on January 15, 2013 - his absolute ceiling is governor or (god forbid) senator for New York.
  19. B-b-but Democracy Dies in Darkness
  20. The OP posited several ideas and asked whether they were mostly true or mostly false. None of these ideas started with "Trump won the election primarily because..." The three things OP stated could be mostly true and also not be the biggest (or even extremely significant) contributing factors to the Trump win (which is actually my position).
  21. The USSS made that call. Not the NRA. I understand the need to flex political muscle, but if I were in charge I'd tell Pence and co. "no dice" if they required people to disarm at the convention. Get a live video feed so he can address the convention from somewhere else if the USSS won't budge and you still want him to speak.
  22. As a mildly insane non-voter, I'd say this is mostly true. The idea that the Dems are the only ones playing identity politics is false. The Republicans are just more of the wink and nod types. Point 2 is obnoxiously worded but I understand what you're saying. I don't think most people are thinking "can't let the gays or the blacks get more status" so much as "****, I like my life and don't want it to change." Since there is no thesis, that is where my commentary will end.
  23. C'mon, man. It didn't offend me but don't tell me you didn't know exactly what you were doing. Keep the comments on racism where they belong...on the football board. OTW is for would ya and hot for teacher. Don't drag it down to TSW's level.
  24. Well if "a QB" is your standard then April 25, 2013 should stick in your head too.
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