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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/supreme-court-nominee-brett-kavanaugh-piled-up-credit-card-debt-by-purchasing-nationals-tickets-white-house-says/2018/07/11/8e3ad7d6-8460-11e8-9e80-403a221946a7_story.html?utm_term=.a7fb975c9f2d
  2. WaPo's Borking bombshell: Kavanaugh paid off his credit card debt!!! Democracy dies in darkness, amirite guiz?
  3. Will there be a pistol whipping booth?
  4. Can't do that while it's still useful to leftists. If they can't rile up 20-somethings over their "right" to cut up and vacuum out a tiny human, how will they ever get out the midterm vote? Aside anecdote: I was sitting in a small movie theater a few days after Kennedy retired and some boomers took three seats across the aisle from me. They started talking about Kennedy's retirement and one old B word was harping on and on about how distressed she was that her daughters might have some difficulty procuring abortions in the future. Bitching and moaning about your daughter losing the right to kill your grandchildren. If that's not peak boomerism I don't know what is.
  5. Why sign Demarco Murray if you're tanking? Might as well make Bryce Brown and Mike Tolbert split feature back duties if that's the strategy.
  6. I think the point Joe is making is that you can't B word and moan about Kaep and company being "blackballed" and at the same time celebrate that Schattner got canned without setting aside any sort of "free speech" argument in favor of "I like what he said but not what the other guy said." Kaep was an employee of the San Francisco 49ers and no longer has a job. Schattner was an employee of Papa John's shareholders and no longer has a job. Both are presumably out of work because of things they did/said. At its simplest, that's what it boils down to. Details only confuse the matter.
  7. That pizza looks as limp as you without your daily Cialis.
  8. Forgot you were in South Jersey. But the fact that you even asked makes me question your ability to properly judge pizza. Philadelphia pizza? Really, Joe?
  9. For what it's worth, I found this buried in some Instagram comments. Steph m is shady's baby momma. Appears to deny the child abuse portion at least.
  10. In other words, Albright just picked another name tied to the situation and acted like he was breaking something. Great job.
  11. Welcome to the #metoo era. Guilty until proven innocent because you "have to believe the victim!"
  12. Or she was shooting her mouth off about all the bling she managed to wrangle out of a millionaire football star, and somebody decided that she was an easy mark. Then her golddigging ass (or her coattail riding friends) decided that she might be able to get more cash and prizes by saying that Shady set the whole thing up.
  13. Public opinion, your employer's opinion, future employer's opinions, the NCIC's records, etc. etc.
  14. It long precedes the #metoo movement. It's been going on since no-fault divorce was introduced. I'm glad it worked out for you. Lots of men aren't so fortunate.
  15. Assuming she's actually in Florida: Fla. Stat. § 790.24 requires any physician, nurse, or employee thereof and any employee of a hospital, sanitarium, clinic, or nursing home who knowingly treats or is requested to treat any person suffering from a gunshot wound or life threatening injury indicating an act of violence shall report immediately to the sheriff’s department. Willful failure to report is punishable as a misdemeanor. If this could be considered "life threatening" then Florida health care workers could be prosecuted for not reporting it to the cops.
  16. Not to mention that in many jurisdictions police are REQUIRED to make an arrest on EVERY DV call.
  17. Any opportunity to wave their virtue flag around. "Look guys! I don't think beating up women is a good thing! Am I a good boy now???"
  18. Uh, making the allegations?
  19. The Duke lacrosse team is on line 1 for you. And a Mr. Reuben Foster is on line 2.
  20. Shady is not required to do anything except answer to his employer. He doesn't owe us ****, especially if these allegations are as untrue as they seem on their face.
  21. Yep. Welcome to 2018 journalism. Some ho posts a picture accusing a millionaire of something awful and it's automatically news. The press is dead and social media killed it.
  22. In theory, this is true. In practice, this is obviously not the case. As the USSC has become more political, the confirmation process has as well. Candidates rated well by the ABA often sailed through Senate confirmation. Scalia, Kennedy, Souter, and Ginsburg all received 90+ votes at confirmation. As recently as the early 1900's many justices were confirmed by voice vote. This will likely never be the case again.
  23. As it stands the Senate is currently at 51-49. In the unlikely event that Rand Paul and Ted Cruz follow through on their threats to vote no on Kavanaugh, the vote to defeat the filibuster will likely never happen.
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