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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. @mead107 @BringBackFergy Not sure if you guys are going or if your tix are spoken for.
  2. Classic PPP thread. Well done.
  3. I'm giving this serious consideration. Sat in the lower bowl last year right on the goal line. Like Gugny, I wasn't impressed by the stadium. Had a good time in my section, aside from the awful showing by the Bills, but that's probably because most people lay down serious coin to sit in that lower bowl and aren't your average Jersey shore GTL bros and their dumpy girlfriends.
  4. Hey look, a stupid thot golddigger acting like a stupid thot golddigger. Let's all act surprised now. You're assuming she's a victim to begin with, which is arguably worse.
  5. Wahlburger, fries, and a frosted mug of root beer.
  6. I go to the movies all the time because I have No Friends. Never had a bad experience at the Landmark Theater I frequent.
  7. Currently single, but my most recent serious girlfriend was 3 years younger than me.
  8. They shoved most of the untermenschen up to the 'burgh, but your point still stands.
  9. I'm not even sure why this is a thread. America rules, Canada drools. This is a long-held truth that isn't ever up for debate.
  10. Good thing your son is in a frat, get used to it early.
  11. FTFY. !@#$ the spandex mafia.
  12. I haven't seen a GP in 7 years. See the dentist once every six months like clockwork though. Priorities.
  13. John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham... Oh wait, he said the right. Never mind.
  14. Between the people getting their panties in a twist over Tom and the haters who are looking for any excuse to get rid of Shady, this thread has been comedy gold.
  15. This is what I'm afraid of, though it's not completely rational. Souter had virtually no paper trail, serving less than a year at the first circuit, and HW was surrounded by statist traitors who whispered Souter's name in his ear. Kavanaugh has a 10 year track record at the DC circuit. He's no Scalia, but he seems like an Alito with a little less love for regulatory executive administrations.
  16. Well ****, there goes aputzapolackskis 20 person theory. Now how to let him know gently that my dad escaped communist Cuba...
  17. A CIA operative who is also a gun-grabber, no less. You can't make this **** up.
  18. DEEP STATE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Also come on, nobody thought Trump was getting elected during primary season 2014. Give me a break, Lenz.
  19. Do leftists think more than one election day in advance?
  20. On the contrary, my friend. Straight white American males are just starting to get on board with identity politics. What they've had it with is the idea that they aren't allowed to participate.
  21. Crab cake benedict (or Chesapeake benedict) is one of my favorite breakfasts. Nice choice!
  22. Except he actually paid it off in a timely manner Only prog fascists could spin "he's not rich enough to pay for Nats season tickets up front unlike the other SC justices" into some sort of character flaw.
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