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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Wow, one head-scratcher that doesn't go the pats** way. So sad. Has everyone forgotten that Clete was last years AFCCG ref too? Didn't hear the excuses when the patsies** were matched up against the Jags
  2. Nah, she's tied up in the basement. She complains a lot ("please let me go, I won't tell anyone, blah blah blah") but my girlfriend really doesn't want her in the bed.
  3. If the restriction is limited only to magazines then 6 and 8-shot revolvers would still be fine. But yeah it's retarded.
  4. I'll enjoy watching heads explode when Saban retires and Dabo jumps ship to take the 'Bama job.
  5. His brother won the David Binn Award this year too, which goes to the best long snapper in college football. It's a family affair.
  6. Depending on when it is I'll definitely be eyeing it as my road game.
  7. Making a porn star pay him for sleeping with her.
  8. I'm split between the Chargers and the Colts. It'd be cool to see the Rams get one too I guess.
  9. My point with the reference was that there are many churches where you do hear it, when you claimed that you don't. The idea that Christianity or the Bible have nothing to offer in this situation is laughable at best.
  10. Weird run-on sentences aside, what's your point? TYTT stated that adults need to be responsible and you respond with...some adults aren't that responsible? Also, Leviticus 18.
  11. I just had a great idea for a parody thread: "Anyone peg?"
  12. Now I'm pissed I'm not going to the game. Much love.
  13. A pro-choice, anti-2A "moderate." Kasich can suck a fat one.
  14. Spoiler: Brits and co. win. "They Shall Not Grow Old." Where's the documentary about your life, @plenzmd1? "They Long Ago Grew Old?"
  15. There are several posters that have been active in the TBD community going back to the 90's but due to migration issues their accounts only go back to 2001.
  16. They just want to be loved by you
  17. You think so? I hated it. Most of the lines inserted for levity seemed ill-timed and sometimes just plain out of place. I thought the pacing sucked too. Plus nothing really drew me in. No real drama, nobody really likable. And what the hell was that ending?
  18. I don't have a comprehensive definition, but if you're ripping a bong before you shower and shave in the morning, you're a pothead.
  19. That she was. She did a lot of the stereotypical crazy girl things: got mad when she saw my sister's name come up on my phone, showed up at places I told her I'd be with my friends, flipped out when she caught me hooking up with another girl, expected me to text her "good morning" every day, that sort of *****.
  20. A girl I had been seeing for about three weeks got me one of those multi-frame things you put photos of your family in and hang on the wall...all with photos of herself except for one which was the only photo of the two of us that existed. Anyway I saw her for a couple more months but she only ever got my burner phone number.
  21. I've been known to cut people who are associated with police, military, etc. breaks here and there...but then I've also been known to cut people breaks with no such associations. If they do things the right way, that is. Fun story, recently I did an overtime detail looking for one specific violation of the law. The way the law works, the same offense is categorized under the penal law as a felony, and under vehicle and traffic law as a violation. So whenever someone possesses this particular item, there are two options: ticket or arrest. I always ticket for this unless it's in the furtherance of terrorism, significant fraud, or they're being a real *****. Got one girl who was acting belligerent and talking about how her dad was a state trooper. My response: "great, let me get his number." Call him up and explain the situation to him, knowing he knows the law back and forth. He understands completely and asks to talk to his daughter. Her face went from smug to tail-between-the-legs really quickly, and I hear him screaming. She hands the phone back to me and he says, "thanks for the heads up, we won't ask for a supporting dep."
  22. I was early too, probably 5 or 6. Learned on the school bus. I feel like that's the case for a lot of kids.
  23. Guess you haven't watched much high school basketball or football lately. Some observations: 1. Standards for hiring in many departments are going up, but salaries aren't. My department requires a four year degree to apply. NYPD requires 60 college credits. Starting salary for an NYPD patrolman is currently $42.5k. 2. Many police departments are woefully understaffed. Look at the departments in Texas and New Mexico that are practically begging people to apply. My department is understaffed and processing applicants like crazy. Same with VSP and many departments in MA. Most applicants can't get past the initial physical exam, many more get bounced during background/polygraph/psych. That's on top of the fact that we get fewer applicants than at any time in recent memory. 3. Cops can't just let a criminal go. That's not how it works. If they don't appear to be a threat, you attempt to gain compliance through presence and the implied threat of physical response. If you cannot gain compliance that way, you gain it through physical action. This is non-negotiable. We aren't Macy's loss prevention. 4. Use of force is a continuum, and the level of force required can change quickly, drastically, and with little warning. 5. Unarmed does not mean not a threat. 6. Many departments do not require yearly physical testing and ongoing standards. This is a shame. Out of shape cops are a danger to themselves, their fellow officers, and the public. I refuse to work with slobs and I go well out of my way to avoid doing so.
  24. All I know is that @plenzmd1's gumbo sucks.
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