Caffeine pill as soon as I wake up. Three cups of coffee - two at the beginning of shift and one at lunch. An energy drink a couple hours after lunch.
Red bull vodkas at the bar sometimes.
There's still good music to be heard, just not normally on the radio. Brian Fallon has put out two excellent albums in the last three years. Frank Turner released his best effort yet last year. Same with Sunflower Bean. The Killers are still going. AM Taxi just released a quality (if not terribly memorable) album. Volbeat is working on their seventh album. Ghost released a good album last year (and put on an amazing show just up the street from where I live).
That's just off the top of my head and is pretty limited genre-wise. If you're into the heavy stuff (which I don't know much about) I understand that there are several excellent bands putting out good death metal and hardcore type stuff.
There are people who thought to write the obituary for Rock and Roll long before you thought to declare it dead. They were at least as wrong as you are.
Except evidently it didn't even get that far. Thus Rap's subsequent tantrums on Twitter and blocking guys like Wawrow who called him out on it.
Also, TG wrote a great piece that got published at The Athletic today, for those so inclined.
That playoff run was something else. The guy shows flashes of competency but then will turn around and throw four picks a week later. Stunning inconsistency.
Airlines are free to impose whatever dress codes they want.
This is stupid though. And yes, she's being a touch overdramatic for her 15 seconds of fame.
After the birth of the child and weaning, motherhood is several orders of magnitude less important than fatherhood and is significantly less difficult.