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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Oh yeah ***** that place. Even then, I saw literally one guy try to fight some Jags fans that were next to us in lot X and they got shouted down by a bunch of Bills fans. Then I got some snaps of a guy going through a table. Good times.
  2. Most of the people I've tailgating with over the years smoke a lil something on gameday, and I wander down the street with open beers. Sheriffs never say a word because *gasp* we don't act like tremendous d-bags.
  3. I get it when it happens in the official lots...but if private lot owners don't give a damn why should the Bills? I've never had a bad game day experience, so I'm not sure where this idea that table slamming is somehow detrimental to the fan experience comes from. If you don't want to see that stuff, park in a place where it's not allowed. I love tailgating at Hammer's, but I also don't mind wandering around and seeing folks act a fool at other lots.
  4. Yep. And now that (ahem, SOCIALIST) government is running protesters over in the streets. Overheard someone ask how the government could get away with such a thing. This person is a gun-grabber to the core. I didn't bother.
  5. The context makes it a little better but I laughed when I watched the interview, I'll admit
  6. I'm inclined to agree with your analysis of the Sweat situation. The timing is highly suspect, it just smells funny to me.
  7. In McDermott's system, aren't they all "rotational DLs?" That was my first thought rather than "situational" or something similar.
  8. I said it in the shoutbox earlier this week but Josh Jacobs as first RB taken at -500 was a steal.
  9. Bush won't have a choice - Big Ben's favorite.
  10. This ***** makes me uneasy.
  11. If Sri Lankan Christians are "Easter worshippers," what exactly do Hillary and Obama worship?
  12. I think pulling a "Ditka" would require a lot more than just taking Josh Jacobs with a pick they already have. But yeah the idea of the Raiders going RB before we pick makes me rather happy.
  13. Here comes the "random" drug test.
  14. I didn't see Aaron Rodgers anywhere on that list.
  15. Sounds equal parts paranoid and controlling. I don't entirely blame him for the paranoia, but guess what? Your son is a round 1 NFL draft prospect. You're gonna have the media sniffing around. If you want the story to reflect well on you, it's up to you in large part to sell yourself.
  16. Make no mistake: the restrictions on our God-given right to bear arms have always been about keeping guns out of the hands of the poor working class and minorities.
  17. Seasons one and two are some of the best TV I've ever seen. Seasons three and four were pandering nonsense. The remaining seasons have some great episodes but overall are pretty "meh."
  18. "bUt wE nEeDeD a wAr tO eNd sLaVeRy!!!!11!!one" Forget the fact that a society without slavery is a completely novel idea, when considered in the context of human history, or that slavery persists to this day in many parts of the world. But yeah, evil America and their fight to end slavery. Booooooo
  19. When people ask me the state of TBD, I'm gonna point to this thread. Morons. (Not you Sen, you're cool)
  20. What trade partners are we going to find coming up from 32?
  21. It's never going to end. Forget that this song satirizes racism, if it offends one double-digit IQ snowflake, it must go and so must everyone and everything associated with it. Because their feelings are more important than history and culture.
  22. In for Nashville, definite. In for Giants, most likely. Originally was planning for the Jets game at Metlife but it being the first game of the season kind of killed that for me. I hate Jets fans enough when they're hopeless, but at the beginning of the year they're downright insufferable.
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