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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Tampa by Alissa Nutting was a good piece of writing, and gave my soul the heebie-jeebies. I'm a sucker for debut novels generally.
  2. I'm definitely bringing a few so that @plenzmd1's kid and nephews can have them.
  3. Boyst: "If poetry can now dictate law then @BeginnersMind shall one day rule the world."
  4. The idea that meat is bad for you is insane and outdated. Carbs, soy, and seed oils on the other hand...well you see how fat America has gotten on these "healthy" foods. And guess what these fake burgers are made of? Eat meat.
  5. I'll bring you a case @plenzmd1
  6. 1 Large - pickup
  7. I never understood the mentality of guys like that. I'd take that slag to town though.
  8. I also know what it is/was. An imageboard in the "chan" format. Why does it need to be shut down and how does it differ fundamentally from 4chan, 420chan, 1chan, 2chan, etc.? Why deplatform people using 8chan and not other imageboards, or text-based forums, or social media giants? ***** people congregate in all sorts of places and moderation, by design, is reactive and not proactive. And, if we "shut down" ***** people in an attempt to silence them, what do you think the reaction will be? They're certainly not going to just stop their wrongthink. Once someone feels isolated, demonized, without a voice, and without representation in larger society, what's the next step? I would suggest that the answer to the question "what makes someone think that shooting a bunch of people and almost inevitably dying attempting it is a reasonable alternative to living out the rest of their days normally?" lies somewhere in there.
  9. You've been talking a lot about 8chan. I assume it's a website you've reviewed on at least one occasion. What about it made it a hub for "radicalization" of young white men?
  10. In that Joe uses extreme language to make his point, sure. But hyperbole is an accepted form of argument here, it seems, at least until it doesn't go your way. Social media companies deplatform and shadowban right-leaning content all the time. Snopes has been fact-checking a ***** satire site and Facebook restricts the visibility of that site's content as a result, for one recent example. Meanwhile Antifa-associated accounts that call for actual violence against law enforcement officers and Trump supporters continue unfettered. It's plausible that the Dayton shooter was radicalized by Antifa-associated individuals and groups. The New York Times changed a headline because of leftist Twitter outrage. Their original headline actually, you know, attempted to summarize the content of the article rather than blame Trump for everything. What a sham. It's a clown world. Slap on the red nose and get goofy. It's the only reasonable thing to do. Honk honk!
  11. This ignores not only the philosophy behind the 1st and 2nd Amendments, but also the plain text in each. As it stands now, I will no longer debate gun control with anybody. I won't comply with further laws. I will not call my representatives to urge them to vote pro-2A as it is a useless waste of time. If anybody wants my firearms, you are welcome to murder me to take them. I'll be sitting in my home peacefully as I have for years. Eat my whole entire ass, thank you.
  12. I think you'll find more support for legalized dueling than you will for the 2nd here.
  13. You're right. He should have said "more fathers." Children of single dads tend to turn out fine. Children of single moms, not so much. So it's not single parent families that are the problem so much as fatherless families. Our world demonizes masculinity and punishes men and their children severely for the man choosing a poor mate (divorce, custody, alimony, and child support laws). And now we're surprised when young men have no hope. "wHaT aRe wE goNNa dO aBoUt tHiS crISiS???" How about we stop alienating boys from their fathers and their masculinity and see how that goes for starters.
  14. Indeed. Guy's on the ground, fight's over. Dust yourselves off and go your way if you can't shake hands.
  15. As you well know, despite us living only 40 miles or so apart we live in very different places. I'm not gonna say your experience isn't valid, it probably is, and lil Gug sounds like a good kid. But goddamn the schools I've been to here...it doesn't give me much to hope for, and that's before talking about the state of public (government) education nowadays. That being said... Gen Z is a wait and see sort of deal. They're really young and came into the world while big media/Hollywood had its firmest grip on the national conversation ever. But some of them are curious to a fault and I think could revive real journalism. They're realizing that Facebook/Google/Disney/etc. have controlled everything that they've seen since they were very young and now demand more. They look at the state of politics in this country and think it couldn't possibly have always been this way and want more from their government (in a good way). But then some of them are ****heads who only care about Fortnite and whatever some "influencer" with a giant ass is posting about that hour on Thirstagram. Take the good with the bad I guess.
  16. That lady is being a B word but childless 20- and 30-somethings going to a Disney park does ring a bit creepy and weird to me. Grow the ***** up.
  17. I'm technically a millennial, born in '91. But my dad was 39 when I was born, so I'm in a different spot than most. Boomers are easily the worst generation. Barely worked for anything and put off every problem to the next few generations. Often raise entitled, spoiled children because they themselves were entitled and spoiled. Have cursed us with the worst of both conservative and liberal politics. Hep C is an epidemic among them. Gen X is raising awful children. Maybe their "don't care" attitude carried into child rearing when their condoms broke or birth control failed. Somehow narcissistic and nihilistic simultaneously. Millenials are, as stated before, spoiled and entitled in many cases. They carry the expectations of their Boomer parents but have none of the benefits that boomers had upon graduation from high school. So they whine and quickly forget that communism is evil in the hopes that they can get something for nothing. Gen Z. Dear Lord. These kids are being raised on Tide pods, fake news, and their parents' apathy. God save them. The good times after WWII created generations of soft people. Soft people are creating hard times again. Hard times create hard people. Hard people will bring good times again. The cycle continues.
  18. Snopes is now fact-checking satire websites, so there's that.
  19. I have two friends that took an opportunity to go to CC for free out of high school (if you graduated HS top ten they waived all tuition and fees) and then transferred to excellent four year schools after getting their associates degrees. Worked out nicely. I'm slowly taking classes working towards my masters degree in my field (unnecessary, but free for me). The local CC is always looking for adjuncts in my field as it's a very popular track and I might look into teaching there.
  20. How did they find so many Josh Allens in one place???
  21. Well if you're going to claim it's Ian Fleming's character then no, Bond can't be black. And yeah can you imagine a 6'3" 250lb black dude trying to be inconspicuous in, say, St. Petersburg? Reminds me of that old joke about the CIA agent in Moscow: A CIA agent is arrested in Moscow and charged with spying. The agent is fluent in Russian and has had years of specialized training on how to blend in with the Russian people. he's the perfect sleeper agent. Down in the darkest dungeons beneath Kremlin the Russian Secret Service (FSS) begin their interrogation. "We know you are American, spy Pig. Admit it!" "How can you say that? I speak Russian like a Muscovite, I am Russian." "You are lying, Spy Pig. We know you are a Yankee dog. Admit it" The Agent pulls a copy of Pushkin from his jacket pocket and begins to read aloud. Within minutes the guards are weeping with joy at how beautifully the poetry is read. "You see, only a Russian can read Pushkin like this", said the agent. "You lie, Spy Pig, I know you are an American, confess". The agent calls one the of the guards to play Kalinka on his balalaika. The agent leaps on to the table a dances a Russian folk dance whilst singing. The guards clap and cheer having seldom seen such a perfect performance. "You see no one can sing the most loved song in Russia like this if you are not a Russian." "You lie Yankee snail pig. I know you are an American". The agent calls of 6 bottles of Siberian vodka and over the next hour drinks them all finally smashing his glass on the table. "No one drinks vodka like a Russian and I am a Russian" Impressed the FSS agent claps his hands slowly. "You are good Yankee Pig poo, very good, but I know you are not Russian and now you die". The CIA agent slumps in his seat knowing he is defeated. "Tell me one thing, how did you know? I am highly trained can speak, read Pushkin, sing and dance and drink like a Russian. My cover was perfect. How did you know I am an American?" "It was easy Yankee man, we have no Blacks in Russia" The Bond films started going downhill once the USSR was no longer a thing.
  22. Shrader is correct, they're simply passing on the agent code. Daniel Craig is still James Bond. This must be the last installment in Daniel Craig's run. There'll be another reboot in 5-10 years a la Casino Royale.
  23. Absolutely not, unless the situation involves water (washing one's car, at the beach/poolside).
  24. 1. Make yourself your mission. No woman, child, job, sports team, whatever is your mission. Ever. 2. Don't ***** up. 3. Go home today. 4. Walk with purpose. 5. Approach/flirt with women during the day. 6. Save money from every paycheck. 7. Be generous. 8. Be 6'+ tall. 9. Be attractive. 10. Don't be unattractive.
  25. Better than the fatties and the weird hijab models.
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