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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Group tickets are still paper.
  2. I'll give it a whirl. Send me a link and a venmo request.
  3. Lenz was trying to use the "search people" feature rather than just using the pay direct. He would have needed Guff's username or to search his real name to find it that way.
  4. In the app, at the top right there's a button that looks like a pen, paper, and dollar sign. Click on that and you can search by email instead of username. Edit: if you still can't find it let me know (PM) and I'll send you his username.
  5. A half pound of meth, guns, and a 19 year old with crazy eyes. Sounds like a decent weekend.
  6. Next time you're in the area you have to let the 518 crew know in advance. A lot of us are weekday warriors on this board. Across the Street is a decent joint for burgers/wings/beer so you did ok. The Hollow is downtown but you'd be going in that general direction anyway going back to VT. Best wings in the capital district are in Troy, at a little place called Ale House. Less out of your way next time you drive through. Cheers!
  7. Heads up, your hyperlink doesn't work. It points to the "my profile" page rather than your paypal account.
  8. He's a spiteful little creature.
  9. True. And also depends on exactly how much coke was there. Glass table had a couple baggies on it? Or a brick stashed under the mattress? I'm leaning towards the former because if it was the latter no doubt they'd try to pin distribution on him, but then it's been like a month and a half since this all started...
  10. That's all true. What I'm saying is he'll probably end up pleading guilty to a lesser crime in full satisfaction of the felony. No felony conviction means no prison time.
  11. In NH, possession of cocaine of any amount is a B felony. Assuming they can't pin distribution or sale on him he'll probably get a sweetheart plea deal.
  12. Probably as much research as it takes to know that 11 servings of bread per day is bad for you. Yet, here we are.
  13. Is it as poorly-researched as those other things?
  14. It is loud. I bring disposable earplugs since I like to watch from behind the fence, not up in the grandstand. I was a few beers in one time and some hillbilly came up right next to me with her <1yo child. No ear protection. I bitched her out a bit, she called me an ####### and left. I'd rather be called an ####### than have that kid get hearing damage before he's even old enough to comprehend what's going on. Those tractors can top 100db easy.
  15. I just go to the fair for the tractor pulls.
  16. Got a 24 pack of Natural Light cherry lime seltzer for our FF draft on Saturday. It wasn't terrible. 6% ABV, 133 cal, 4g carbs (per 12oz can). The cherry flavoring tasted a touch like cough syrup but it went down easy when ice cold.
  17. A girl who's a regular at a bar I frequent gets Corona with lemon instead of lime. Still tastes like ass.
  18. So this is a lot but I'm going to keep it brief and say a few things about the studies and what have you. Notice that most of these studies are either making changes within the "standard" diets or replacing the "standard" diet with something else. Literally anything is better than the standard diet and the foods that are included in the standard diet are typically throwing gasoline on a fire, destroying your body's ability to regulate what's going on inside of it normally. For example, seed oils result in the formation of a compound called HNE, as well as oxidated cholesterol. Both "appear to be candidates for a primary role in the progression of the atherosclerotic process (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/mnfr.200500090). By damaging proteins and lipids in cell membranes, HNE plays a role in obesity, metabolic syndrome (pre-diabetes), cardiovascular disease, and neurodegeneration https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2753676/ Meanwhile it is highly questionable that dietary fat on its own causes heart disease: https://www.bmj.com/content/351/bmj.h3978?ijkey=7b2e366b29cdce894bf01daac4669622e87724ab&keytype2=tf_ipsecsha and whether reducing dietary fat after a diagnosis even helps: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3996809/ I know what the cause of diabetes is, I disagree on how one develops insulin resistance. Your body is able to process fat just fine. Excess carbohydrates and processed poison destroy our ability to do it properly (see above). Meanwhile glycemic load and glycemic index are "dietary factors probably causal of type 2 diabetes" https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/11/6/1436/htm (note many of the foods you eat are low in glycemic index) and restricting carbohydrates significantly improves several measures in people with and without type 2 diabetes https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00125-019-4956-4 https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/10/9/1285/htm The internet is rife with stories of the ketogenic diet, for example, reversing people's diabetes symptoms and there have been a few studies on it like this one: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2633336/ "Diabetes medications were reduced or eliminated in 95.2% of LCKD vs. 62% of LGID participants (p < 0.01)." And when it comes to cultures and what they eat...India has one of the highest vegetarian populations in the world and also some of the highest heart disease rates. So what's the difference? Processed garbage. I told you we'd agree on more than we disagreed I'll agree with you on the 1.5 seconds of processed garbage, but you want to point to 6 minutes. I'm pointing to 24 hours. You couldn't eat plant-based for the vast majority of human pre-history. Fruits and vegetables are naturally seasonal to begin with, and before formal agriculture there was no way to centralize and regulate them. If you're a hunter-gatherer responsible for feeding a tribe, are you foraging for roots and berries or are you killing the first slow-moving animal you find? Now, I'm young. But my diet consists mostly of whole cuts of meat (steaks, chicken, pork, lamb), eggs, leafy vegetables (cooked thoroughly), with some dairy, avocados, olives, and occasionally white rice. No seed oils; I cook with olive, avocado, or coconut oil. I get my blood pulled every six months and consistently get good results. My body composition is consistently good since I started eating like this. I sleep better. Also note: I typically only eat two meals per day in a six hour window. Fasting is supposed to help with a lot of the measures so I can't attribute all of my good blood work to the diet itself. Cheers to you man! Congrats on getting rid of that diabetes. Hope you live long and happy, just don't be too scared of meat
  20. I don't entirely blame you for the approach, I agree w/r/t your comparisons to politics and religion. I think you'd find that we agree on more on this topic than we disagree on. Avoiding processed garbage, sugar, etc. for example. The reality is that there are very few tightly controlled, peer-reviewed studies that address a whole, animal food-based diet. Instead we get "look at the meat these folks added into their already ***** diet, see! Meat bad!" At the other end we get garbage like "The China Study." Overindulgence generally (but especially of processed junk) is probably at the root of a lot of our modern issues with disease.
  21. What does that have to do with your "undeniable" claim?
  22. I'll deny it. Show me the peer-reviewed study that causally links an animal-based diet (no sugar, seed oils, other processed garbage) with increased mortality. Show me the ancestors who subsisted on a plant-based diet. Show me the wild animals who evolved to be predators that become obese or get diabetes. And I'll show you that if 2.4 million years of human evolution were compressed into a 24 hour time period, then agriculture as we know it started about six minutes ago and modern dietary guidelines were issued about 1.5 seconds ago. When did people start getting T2 diabetes, again?
  23. Mine was midget porn.
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