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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. They reach the correct conclusion for the wrong reasons. Kevin Hart got blacklisted from the Oscars for telling some gay jokes back in the day. Ricky Gervais was invited to host the Golden Globes and they knew full well what he'd say. It was all a show. He's a hypocrite, but because he's a pressure release valve for the elite. Part of this is shown in his terrible context and delivery for the Epstein jokes. Ricky could do much better, but he didn't, because part of his job was to make the jokes finally induce cringe. It's a limited mock out, and a subtle message that says "we even control your dissent." He's like Carlin in the sense that Carlin was also a huge fraud.
  2. Again, you miss the point. I haven't argued that it's not free speech, I'm arguing that this movement to strip people of their rights is supported largely by a small amount of very wealthy people. The question is, why do the uber-wealthy disproportionately support the disarming and trampling on the natural rights of the American people?
  3. Weren't you the one complaining about whataboutism in another thread? I didn't say rich people can't do what they want with their money, I said that big money corrupts, and when 1/6th of your funding comes from one person, that one person can dictate a lot about what you do. So the question is, why would someone who has $3M to throw around donate that money to the suppression of the natural right of the people to keep and bear arms, and what strings are they attaching to that $3M? And yes, disarming one's people is oppression. Any suppression of the natural rights is, by definition, oppression.
  4. You need advice on how to make someone go away? Sack up already. Be the richard cranium and tell her you pay your secretaries to work not to chat with people unless they're paying your fees. Eat the bad yelp review and feel your testicles swell.
  5. It's more evidence that the movement to disarm the American people comes from a few "elites" trying to oppress many. Big money corrupts a lot of political causes, the pursuit to strip the American people of their natural rights is no exception.
  6. https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?201+sum+HB567 Let's not pretend that that is what this all is about. You linked an article that says there's more than that and you know it. Don't be disingenuous for the sake of advancing an illegitimate point.
  7. Yep. They're attempting to dismantle "opposing" institutions in order to form their one-party state. Not to mention that in 10 years that 50 employee bit will be considered a "loophole" and then Dems will want to close it.
  8. It doesn't matter who wins elections. Natural rights are natural rights. A legitimately elected government official (or legitimately elected government) becomes illegitimate as soon as he (it) infringes on the people's natural rights. Ah, there it is.
  9. I guess to prevent someone from renting a floor of a privately owned office building and turning it into a shooting range? I don't get it either.
  10. Agreed, Gervais is a dillhole and fails to see how he falls under the same category but he did nail it.
  11. The right to armed resistance to tyranny is one of the few natural rights we actually have. The fact that these folks haven't resorted to armed resistance yet is a sign that they still believe in the process that bad actors are abusing in an attempt to curtail that right. Be happy!
  12. Should have included the word "catamite." Smh
  13. I've been posting on PPP for about a decade, I'm well aware of Tibs history under his current and former monikers. He's not as bad as all that.
  14. I was simply pointing out that neither you nor I are in the position of picking out neo-nazis in a crowd of thousands, face and neck tattoos aside.
  15. I dunno, why don't you go ask them? But for the record, I think neo-nazis are fond of tyrants. Hitler, in particular.
  16. Good. Tyrants should be afraid of the people. That's what keeps the democratic process going, Tibby.
  17. doing what? Punching the goalpost? Lmao yea ok dude
  18. Yeah, not presented with an opportunity, just blew up an Israeli attempt on Soleimani by warning Iran about it in 2015.
  19. Pair of club seats available for $175 each right now. Wew
  20. The Buffalo Buffalos. Really thought that one out, didn't you?
  21. https://nypost.com/2014/06/20/how-irans-spy-chief-paid-for-the-benghazi-attack/ Just a reminder about the dude killed in this strike. Was he an austere scholar too?
  23. lol literally nobody is stepping in to defend this guy. Bills fans clowning on him and his ugly mug.
  24. There's this loser in Queensbury who dips out of his house to pick up wings for his gameday. Meanwhile I get off shift at 2:00 and I'm gonna steal his beef on weck and pizza while he's out trying his luck with the Hudson Falls 8 barmaid for the umpteenth time.
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