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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. They're in desperate need of secondary help and Okudah is the best DB prospect in the draft by far. Assuming he runs a good 40 time he'll be slated for early 1st round and the Lions make a lot of sense. But, if the Lions decide that Tua is the guy...Stafford could bridge for a year or two while Tua gets healthy and acclimated. Dead cap if they cut Stafford is $19M in 2021, $14M in cap savings.
  2. I love that the dude at the end sees a dude with a mask and two people with guns run out and he’s like “well ima get my chicken.”
  3. We took a walk that night, but it wasn't the same We had a fight on the promenade out in the rain She said she loved me, but she had somewhere to go She couldn't scream while I held her close I swore I'd never let her go Tell me what you want to know Oh come on, oh come on, oh come on There ain't no motive for this crime Jenny was a friend of mine So come on, oh come on, oh come on
  4. The US Marshals Service does not polygraph and never has for pre-employment checks. Neither does the largest law enforcement agency in the country, the New York City Police Department. Polygraphs measure what they're supposed to measure. People who make it into a "lie detector" don't know how polygraphs work. They're about as good as the person administering them, and those guys are bad at their jobs about as often as people in other lines of work.
  5. I got to have a shot Of what you got It's oh so sweet You got to make it hot Like a boomerang I need a repeat Gimme all your lovin' All your hugs and kisses too Gimme all your lovin' Don't let up until we're through
  6. Receiving word now that DC Tom has committed the infamous "suicide by two gunshots to the back of the head." His right arm had been removed at the elbow and no gun was recovered at the scene. In completely unrelated news DC Tom texted me last night saying he had very important information regarding Jeffrey Epstein's murder and had gained access to Epstein's "dead man's switch" file. DC Tom copied this file to a miniature disc and implanted it in his forearm for safekeeping.
  7. I honestly don't get this. I watch everything with subtitles except for live sports.
  8. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=171147947650886&substory_index=0&id=108224247276590
  9. You really think the Steelers, with Mike Tomlin as HC, would really want to hang onto the guy enough that they'd help the NFL cover this up? Because they would have had to have helped if what you're saying is even remotely close to accurate. Which it isn't.
  10. I have access to back channels which suggest dc tom faked his own death.
  11. Butteggegg will be the nominee provided something weird doesn't happen with Bloomberg. He's the sodomite son of a literal communist with a very thin veneer of disingenuous likability. You couldn't ask for a more perfect mascot for the DNC in 2020.
  12. I only vote for candidates who will fully support and throw the US military behind the governor of Texas should he declare war on Mexico as a response to the invasion.
  13. Obviously hyperbole used to make a larger point that is at least partially true. The outrage on this is ridiculous. And I hate Bloomberg.
  14. Gotta guard your grow op somehow.
  15. My 2 year old genderqueer pansexual daughter just turned to me and said, "Daddy, a feminism that rejects trans women is no feminism at all: it's an exclusionary philosophy borne out of the patriarchal, bigoted notion that one's genitalia determines their gender and forces women to continue to be subservient to men under the guise of 'equality.' Feminists should demand equal rights for trans women, including full access to women's restrooms and safe spaces like domestic violence shelters. Tell your friend teef I said so." I could only respond, "dentists aren't friends, sweetie."
  16. Where are the legs with which ye run? Hurroo, Hurroo Where are the legs with which ye run? Hurroo, Hurroo Where are the legs with which ye run, when first you went to carry a gun? Indeed, your dancing days are done: Johnny, I hardly knew ye.
  17. I severely doubt that you NEED to play football at a decently high level (say, in the NCAA) to be a successful coach. That being said, I also severely doubt you develop the knowledge base and language necessary to coach football without having the drive to learn it that really can only come from playing it at a high level. Perhaps more importantly, you don't develop credibility with the players very quickly without having played it at a high level. Will there be exceptions? Maybe, but they're called exceptions for a reason. The NFL as we know it will likely die off before a woman is a successful head coach or coordinator.
  18. What'd you think of the live experience? The Vipers QB sucked butt so it wasn't the prolific scoring I thought it would be but I was entertained.
  19. Anyone here heard of Billy Chemirmir? No? Wonder why not.
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