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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. The, um, unique grasp of the English language is clue #1. Necro-ing a 7-years dead thread is clue #2. Necro-ing a 7-years dead thread with a post with barely readable English immediately upon joining the forum is clue #3. Posting that then immediately signing off and not returning is clue #4. A post with several words that match a word or words in the searchable thread title is clue #5. Use of phrase like "teachers in college" which is indicative of using Google translate rather than common English colloquialisms is clue #6.
  2. This is the kind of ***** traitors like TH3 and his ilk would have you swallowing because of their disdain for the executive branch. They would rather the USA be blamed for this pandemic so long as the Trump administration suffers because they have ZERO allegiance to the United States. Their words betray them.
  3. ? Wonder why the CCP is suddenly talking about this.
  4. Some of the owners are paying arena workers during the stoppage. Bloomberg and his billions, however, still nowhere to be found.
  5. In times like these it's ok to use hyperbole to encourage corrective measures. "Measured" responses don't get stuff done. Trump knows this: it's a game of rhetoric now as every rhetorical debate is a proxy war for something else.
  6. Flacco waived with failed physical designation. https://www.espn.com/espn/now?nowId=1-28926558
  7. The willful blindness of never-Trumpers and leftists is traitorous as well. In a sane society, Tiberius and his ilk would have been publicly flogged and possibly hanged years ago. A definition of "corruption" that does not include SELLING AMERICA TO CHICOMS is nothing if not a vile and contemptuous attempt to cover up their sins which dwarf anything they've accused Trump of. Enough is enough.
  8. Which is quite the change from them bailing out multinationals that sold our interests to China. Maybe it's time to start re-evaluating who the leftist policies in the country actually sought to benefit for the past 30 years. But this will be the pivot from leftists from this point forward because they're either paid by China or useful idiots for those paid by China: "SEE??? Trump is a SOCIALIST! Better vote for a good, moderate Dem like Uncle Joe come November!" Meanwhile Uncle Joe is one of the worst offenders when it comes to the China problem: https://nypost.com/2020/03/12/why-china-is-rooting-for-joe-biden-to-win-2020-presidential-race/ Biden is a career politician (read: traitor) who has repeatedly betrayed America's interests to benefit himself. He is a Chinese imperialist in a time where we desperately need American nationalists in power.
  9. It's well-demonstrated now: people who thought the Cold War was over were idiots. The USSR fell and the USA propped China up in its place to allow our corporations to exploit cheap labor and proto-capitalist human rights abuses. PPP hero Reagan possibly the initial guilty party, but blame can be reasonably shared among most fed politicians over the last 35 years. The recent sins of China re: Wuhan flu/COVID/whatever pale in comparison to previous sins, but they serve as an excellent example of what's wrong with America now. ChiComs lie and cover up a highly infectious disease outbreak in their country, including destroying tests and samples as early as December (https://nypost.com/2020/02/29/china-officials-knew-of-coronavirus-in-december-ordered-cover-up-report-says/ and https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/chinese-scientists-destroyed-proof-of-virus-in-december-rz055qjnj ). They allow the virus to spread uncontained for months, all the while continuing to send masses of people out of the country. All this comes out in America, and the Chinese propaganda machines start rolling about how it's "racist" to call this a Chinese virus (does anybody really think the ChiComs give a damn about racism?). Media and pols, useful idiots bought and paid for by Beijing, happily parrot this stupid talking point during press conferences about virus response and on social media. Thankfully, our President refuses to back down on this point. More on that later. Once things got out of hand in China, supply chains and production suffered. Suddenly, our utter dependence on China is brought to light. From pharmaceuticals to valves and masks, we have given China far too much power over our medical disaster response. Supply chains and jobs that belong in America to supply America with proper American emergency supplies were long ago moved to China (and other Azn countries) by multinational corporations because of the federal government's "bend over" policy with regard to trade regulations that only served to fill their pockets and the pockets of their friends. This is the failure of globalism as it exists in America currently; globalism only works when you're in China's place in this scenario, not America's. ANY multinational corp that comes to Congress asking for taxpayer money during the coming economic crisis should be taken to task over this and given strict conditions involving the moving of these supply chains and jobs back to the USA, with severe penalties for executives that violate these conditions. I'm not talking fines, I'm talking dragged to the public square with a hood over their head. Turbo-capitalist boomers need not respond to this section. "Muh free market" is dumb and you're dumb. Traitors should be dealt with quickly and severely. The fight over "Chinese" virus phrasing is a proxy war. Career politicians and others in the top caste of our society don't want us to call it Chinese because they plan on going right back to the old way: sell our interests and blue collar class to China after collecting a shitload of bailout money courtesy of the American taxpayer. This is a China problem, and we call it a China problem because we need people to fight to take our jobs and supply chains back from China and ultimately hold China responsible for what has become an barely mitigated disaster. This is why I want the President to stand his ground on this. He should remove any "journalist" who continues to ask why he calls it the "Chinese virus" from the press corps immediately, as they are simply mouthpieces for China and do not belong in a privileged position. American journalists have been banned in China so they can freely gaslight the world and suggest that the great American military is responsible for the virus. We can't let them. We need to immediately begin knocking China off their high seat in the economic world. Tax all remittances to China. Use the remittances you tax to get a short list of H1-Bs and the like to revoke and deport. Revoke all student visas of Chinese nationals and immediately deport them. Refuse to permit any Chinese students to study at American universities in the future. Continue to restrict imports from China through the use of tariffs. China is our enemy. We should never be at the economic mercy of a foreign power, especially one that is our enemy. Cripple these bastards. Enough is enough. We need American nationalism now.
  10. Yeah if you need to wear a mask the beard will have to go. I used to work at a place where we got fitted for a mask if we worked in certain areas and the guys with beards had to shave.
  11. Yeah, it did. It's bad here as well because of the CCP's lies. Admittedly, I underestimated the impact their coverup would have on the USA.
  12. I guess it depends. When I had to do PT for my broken femur the place was always empty and every surface we used got sprayed and wiped down. Probably pretty safe, though staying home as much as possible is the safest route.
  13. Live odds? Parlays?! Exactas???!! PROPS??!!??!eleven!? ***** GIVE ME SOMETHING TO BET ON
  14. It works, though with the amount of people getting sick in WA and NY they should be closing it to Americans too. Good luck, Canadian friends.
  15. BOB needs to be fired like two years ago.
  16. That sounds like a trooper, not a local Fife.
  17. I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you if you think this is the mainstream media getting dumber or "high on their own supply" or whatever. Note how all of a sudden Bernie is a Russian stooge and his anti-war positions are just another convenient way for our enemies to exploit us: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/05/world/europe/bernie-sanders-soviet-russia.html The Cathedral has stopped pretending. Why? Because the narrative has broken and it has forced them to be more and more transparent and obvious with their goals. People who think a NYT editor and Brian Williams suddenly can't do simple math because "tHeY dRAnK tHeiR oWn kOoL aID" can't see the forest for the trees. It's a blindingly stupid take that ignores everything that's happened with the media for a dozen years.
  18. He can't carry in NJ either.
  19. The NFOPA provides a defense, it doesn't preempt prosecution like LEOSA. And again, I wouldn't leave it up to NYC to let the feds rule on this issue. PA Police aren't likely to kindly wait while you explain why federal law gives you every right to bring your gun into their airport. And even in a defense, Williams is going to have an issue arguing that his firearm was not readily accessible.
  20. Q's lawyer sucks. "Technical error regarding storage." BS, everyone knows you can't just toss a gun, unloaded or not, into your luggage without any sort of paperwork. I hope the ADA is a Pats*** fan.
  21. Define "illegally." TSA gets pretty wide latitude when it comes to baggage screening. Story sounds like bunk, which I can see you're already assuming.
  22. You can check your firearm per TSA regulations. https://www.tsa.gov/travel/transporting-firearms-and-ammunition
  23. If you actually need the info feel free to PM me.
  24. Free Hossage!
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