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Posts posted by LeviF

  1. 1 minute ago, BillStime said:


    Oh, Levi, does this thread bother you? I mean, given your track record here - we all know where you stand.






    I would also be glad to personally hang each of the convicted rapists and murderers in this country. That's where I stand.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  2. 13 minutes ago, T master said:


    All the more reasons to bring back public hangings scum bags like this don't deserve to get 3 hots & a cot for the rest of their lives while the people & the family that he hurt has to pay for him to live with all the amenities for a easy life from here on out .


    That's justice served isn't it ??


    See this thread is hilarious because billstime itself would be clutching its pearls if any of these "people" (especially the blacks that conveniently have no photos in the posts) were publicly hanged for their crimes, meanwhile every single opponent of immigration I personally know would be glad to tie the noose.

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. Just now, Doc said:


    Meaning parents aren't stressing education and kids aren't studying.  Did you mean something different?


    I mean the kids are simply not capable. And since intelligence is highly heritable, they can thank their parents for that.


    The blank slate insists that if "anybody" just studies hard enough they can grasp and apply algebraic concepts. This is simply untrue.


    Now are there a couple of these kids that may be able to understand 8th grade math well enough that simply have no structure or support at home? Sure. But do we really think the vast majority of them, given that this is a school specifically targeted to and structured for "at risk" kids, could pass 8th grade math standards even with such structure and support?

  4. 7 hours ago, daz28 said:

     We get a RIDICULOUS amount of our goods from other countries.  

    Maybe it’s time to change that. Unfortunately we don’t seem to currently (or recently) have anyone with the political will to do so. 

    On 3/19/2020 at 9:37 AM, LeviF said:

     ANY multinational corp that comes to Congress asking for taxpayer money during the coming economic crisis should be taken to task over this and given strict conditions involving the moving of these supply chains and jobs back to the USA, with severe penalties for executives that violate these conditions.  I'm not talking fines, I'm talking dragged to the public square with a hood over their head. 

    Was a COVID-related post but the spirit applies. 

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  5. I don’t share the sympathies for teachers and school admins that Mr. Archer appears to have, but the inevitable “why” asked by journalists when shown results such as these in schools with the kinds of resources that LeBron has enabled this one to have almost always results in “must be the teachers’ fault” (or if they’re very bought in, some kind of “structural racism” line). 

    • Agree 1
  6. 9 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    So you're just kind of a little bit of a socialist.

    Depends on what you mean by “socialist.” But depending on the context, the situation, etc. that would not be inaccurate. 

    The Marxist sense is obviously horrible. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  7. Being against tariffs is telling your working class, oftentimes (in auto) union, countrymen that they should have to compete with companies utilizing slave labor costs. 

    And I don’t know if you noticed, but new auto sales year to year were down in January, despite lower prices and ample supply. Maybe because people can’t afford food and homes now. Go figure. 

    Turbo-capitalism is a sin. Repent. 

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  8. 47 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    The progressive propagandists would have us believe that trait (my religion is the law) is confined to Christians but it is also true of Muslim and Jewish extremists. Look no further than Middle East conflicts for clues.  In fact, religion is above the law is true of all religious extremism.   Others are perhaps even more so than Christians but you'll not hear a peep from the mouths of progressives because it doesn't currently serve their political purposes of creating fear in order to retain and acquire power.  The message is Christians are dangerous, let us run things so you will be safe.  But you will never be safe with progressives in charge.  




    Honestly, if one doesn't think their god's law is above their nation's law, are they even really religious? You call it "extremism" but honestly it just sounds like earnestness. 

    • Agree 2
  9. 1 hour ago, L Ron Burgundy said:

    Yeah both sides need to stop using deaths to advance their agendas. Just use statistics.   This crap will just be a never ending loop.


    Yes, let’s use statistics*

    *Except for when statistics are clearly racist, then we aren’t allowed to notice them. 


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