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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. In a "woke more correct" moment the resident leftists here acknowledge that this has been the case since the enactment of the Civil Rights Act.
  2. Marino might be the best pure passer to ever spin the ball. Whatever the breakdown was, if he had any semblance of a defense and weapons outside of “the Marks brothers” who were frankly mid he’d have won five super bowls.
  3. “Pro trans” is bad for the same reason open borders is bad. Let the reader understand.
  4. Ah, here we see the classical liberal position on full display, without any of the temperament of a prosocial society. This is at the core of libertarian philosophy and is false on its face. This is not how it plays out now and Roundy’s insistence otherwise is a deliberate and bald lie. If you cannot see the obvious problem with that statement in the current year you shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
  5. Libertarianism sounds fine to normal, prosocial people for a reason: because it only works in a society that is made up of 99% normal, prosocial people. Yes, if everyone was like you and the people you choose to spend time with, it would work fine. But libertarians (big L and, often, lowercase L) are unable to process the fact that we no longer live in such a society. As a result what you end up with is just leftism without any of the teeth required to make a society function.
  6. Lolbertarians booing because someone finally told them the truth. At least Ron Paul won an election or two.
  7. If diversity is a strength, why does it have to be forced on every state and municipal government, corporation, academic institution, and small business at gunpoint?
  8. Not to mention the history of gambling. Since it was rigged.
  9. Nah, they served so their kids could be forced to share classrooms with a violent underclass at the barrel of a gun, their grandkids could create the most nihilistic garbage pop media the world has ever seen, and their great grandkids could have their ***** cut off because they carried a doll once when they were 2.
  10. Brings me back to an earlier poast of mine wherein I posited that since JK Rowling, who holds every classic leftist position possible EXCEPT for tranny worship, is a nazi for not endorsing same, leftism IS tranny worship. Whereas I’m not sure there’s any limit to who may be branded a “nazi” by the tranny worshippers.
  11. JK Rowling would probably be a more potent example.
  12. Meloni doesn’t even qualify as an Italian fascist lmao much less a nazi.
  13. So, what then, Kenya first? India first? Guatemala first?
  14. If not America, what nation should be “first?”
  15. Immigration, abortion, and the selling of American interests to foreign nations are all pervasive and potent threats to the American nation. Destroying those systems and punishing those who promote them are good.
  16. All those things didn’t go far enough, actually. Again, if Trump was even 25% of what leftists claimed he was I might be inclined to vote for him.
  17. You know who you really shouldn’t ask about age of consent laws? Pretty much every Weimar official and leftist philosopher from the 20th century. Oh, and speaking of both those things, Germany is speedrunning Weimar again, having made possession of child sexual abuse material a misdemeanor.
  18. We can split hairs if you want but who has implemented the principles of the NSDAP without genocide?
  19. Sorry, won’t denounce naziism because true naziism has never been tried.
  20. Plenty of people subjected to the conditions of the Weimar Republic voted for Nazis. If you want to act like they did so for no reason at all I suppose that’s your prerogative.
  21. They have not created a Reich. They have created a Weimar.
  22. They really tried to tell us that this ballerina was a thug
  23. Wouldn't be surprised if he worked for them and now he's being burned. Working for the feds isn't what they show you in Goodfellas. Very few dudes get witsec. Nearly all cooperation with the feds ends with burning/fed time once your usefulness has run out.
  24. Meanwhile there are multi million dollar nonprofits set up just to get blacks off of death row on technicalities. They know they're guilty but they do it anyway. This guy was stopped by highwaymen and exercised his self-defense rights long held to be unassailable by every common law nation on the planet.
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