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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. I have no doubt that bad ***** goes down in that organization. I'm skeptical of the no-name twitterer who is now throwing every bad thing you can think of against the wall to see what sticks.
  2. So we're clear: we're saying that these journalists have no professional integrity? And here I've been told for three years that journalism is a high and lofty career that is above crude things like money or power.
  3. I'm extremely skeptical as there is literally no reason for any mainstream news publication to sit on this story. Not in today's era. Sexual harassment scandals are big news and there's literally no downside to running with it. This dude saying that deadspin, of all places, wouldn't run the story is the clincher for me.
  4. That's not how any of this works and you know it. Otherwise public sector unions would be completely barred from political contributions and my union dues would be way cheaper.
  5. Is Trump a paid spokesman for Goya? Otherwise that wouldn't be including in things that are relevant to the conversation. And I don't know the answer off the top of my head. Edit: the answer is yes, the president can be. You may think it tacky or unethical but it is not illegal. The President and Vice President are exempt from conflict of interest laws in general. Congress ensured this. The relevant code is 5 CFR Part 2635. The president and vice president are exempt from every section except B and C of this code.
  6. The President (not Ivanka) is exempt from the ethics rules relevant to the conversation. That's why Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama could all state their brand preferences openly while president.
  7. Google it. I’m dead serious. It’s even in your beloved WaPo
  8. No he wasn’t. The president is exempt from such regulations.
  9. Oh we've only seen the beginning. Soon the marriage between teachers' unions and elected officials will bear its ugliest fruit: they're going to ram this online education horseshit through and pay the teachers as if they were actually working. If ANY legislator in this country had any balls at all they would immediately propose that homeschoolers get the same per-pupil money that each school district gets.
  10. Can't win if you don't play.
  11. Yeah bro all those murders that go without the enforcement of law in rural America sure explain the racial disparity in the homicide rate.
  12. It's like I've said, I've heard people yell "police need more training my black son's gonna die." Well you had 18 years to train your kid not to be a thug ass criminal so why don't we start there That's your argument? That blacks commit more crime? Ok bruh
  13. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/507293-trump-administration-rescinds-policy-to-strip-visas-from-foreign Student visas shouldn't exist AT ALL. Jared and Ivanka NEED to go. This presidency is turning into a ***** disaster. Trump is hemorrhaging support and I'm not surprised when ***** like this happens just about every ***** week.
  14. The endorsement of Tuberville is a pretty good summary of how this presidency has gone - disappointingly. Sessions was probably the only America First candidate that would have been on the ballot in November. Instead we get Tommy "the riots are just about jobs and opportunities" Tuberville, failed college football coach and closet amnesty supporter. There is no political solution.
  15. Either that or Mohammed. Or his namesake on the maternal side, Mike Hawk.
  16. I eat a dozen raw every day. With the shells. Blend it up and suck it down. Alternatively, scrambled, over-easy, hard-boiled. Always with salt, pepper, hot sauce. If I'm eating out generally I'll only get them poached to avoid vegetable oils.
  17. For everyone who said “muh slippery slope” WaPo is publishing op eds saying that the Rangers must go.
  18. I wasn't talking about this case, I'm talking about in general. Kids turning up alive is not an indicator that they weren't trafficked.
  19. lol "GOPers cheat" from the guy whose party legislated an entire new citizenry over a 50 year period and STILL couldn't beat a reality TV star to the land's highest office in 2016.
  20. In general I agree with you. On its face though this one in particular was rather strange. There is certainly something strange going on but it is most likely money laundering tied to something slightly less nefarious. "Industrial" cabinets with the same dimensions and descriptions priced thousands of dollars apart, for instance. Or pillows with zodiac signs printed on them for 10-15k. Fine art is a well-known way of laundering money, one of the last in the world really. This is likely just another attempt to get creative and stay ahead of the DEA/IRS/pick your favorite alphabet agency. As I've stated before: the Qanon crowd is bonkers, but not for thinking that there are pedophiles at every level of Hollywood, government, etc. They're bonkers for believing that anybody is actually doing something about it. But for the record, just because children have been found doesn't mean they haven't been trafficked.
  21. "Undetectable" is practically "negative."
  22. It’s acknowledged that some Jews were slave owners and slave traders in that era. But the idea that they played a disproportionate role is a canard.
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