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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Not necessarily, she (very reasonably) may not have custody of the children.
  2. Somewhat related: there's a poll out there conducted by gallup and, later, the AP that has asked black folks how well they think they're treated in their communities relative to white folks sporadically over the last 60 years. The percentage of black folks who think they're treated just as well as whites in their communities was lower in 2018 than it was in 1963. For those of you that are mathematically challenged, 1963 was one year BEFORE the civil rights act was passed. Objectively speaking, this cannot be a reflection of reality as it actually is.
  3. I don't dispute that Bubba might have a different reaction to a noose-like knot being used in everyday application than I would. But to go on Don Lemon's show in particular and spout off about how it's not a garage pull? I understand it was a long conversation with a lot of parts but frankly I don't see a lot of options for motive there.
  4. Well in that case the FBI better come check out the pull door for my attic. The last owner must have been a white supremacist.
  5. He said it wasn't a garage pull. The FBI said it was. NASCAR said it was. So yeah, doubling down. Better watch how I tie my racist knots from now on. Can someone tell me if there is a racial history behind a perfection loop?
  6. The Bone Ranger Vaginatown Saturday Night Beaver
  7. So Bubba is doubling down on it now, and contradicting NASCAR at the same time. We ready to blame him at all yet?
  8. It’s on ESPN now. So it’s somewhere in between “never happened” and “racism!” @Teddy KGB wins the pool
  9. lmao bruh you want me to tell you who was throwing molotov cocktails and bricks in my city when ***** went down? Because it wasn't "white supremacists" bogeymen.
  10. If it's televised, it's not a ***** revolution.
  11. Kip Winger was 27 when that song was released.
  12. I was gonna say it most certainly would. Kanye West even samples it as recently as 2013.
  13. There is that. Similar issues in the UK but the PL just had their first games.
  14. Centralized power and strong borders? Like, NZ is a couple islands and South Korea has one border with a country they’re technically at war with. Not to mention the differences between East Asian societies and their view of government vs. western ideals. Meanwhile Germany is spiking in cases, not huge spikes but not surprising given they’ve been at least semi open since May. And of course, their combined populations are less than half that of the USA.
  15. lmao sure bruh. I hope they all quit. They deserve better.
  16. Heard there’s a pretty bad case of flu running through Atlanta PD the past day or so.
  17. Bleh, Italian guns. can't go wrong with either of those pistols. I highly recommend staying away from the 870 express. Remington post-2007 is hit or miss at best.
  18. Can't go wrong with a 12 gauge for home defense. Pricing runs the gamut but for a middling budget (~$500) you can't go wrong with a Mossberg 590. A lot of people prefer the a1 variety but unless you're a super duper tacticool guy there's really no need. Ghost ring sights are generally useless for home defense purposes so no worries if whatever you get doesn't have them. If you're talking all-times defense obviously you'll want to go with a compact handgun for concealed carry. There are tradeoffs involved here - a smaller gun is easier to conceal but harder to shoot while a larger gun is tougher to conceal and easier to shoot. See if you can try out a few at a gun shop/range combo, a lot of those places will let you rent a gun for some range time. 9mm is fine for self-defense, so something like a Glock 19 (~$500) or Smith and Wesson M&P9 compact (~$350) will do fine and have lots of accessory options due to popularity. Whatever you go with take a class appropriate for what you're buying, usually you'd want to do this right after buying your gun. Shotgun classes are typically fun and informative while conceal carry classes can run from incredibly boring and useless to super fun depending on who you get as an instructor. Whatever you do, make time to practice!
  19. I'm not your bro, dude.
  20. Um, he's withholding money from LEAs who won't comply with "reforming" aka kneel to the BLM mob. Meanwhile all sorts of money still flows right to sanctuary cities.
  21. The Trump admin has threatened to withhold LE money from Sanctuary Cities but has yet to do so. But in one stroke of a pen unless LEAs "reform" they don't get any money. Priorities.
  22. Here’s a good example.
  23. Sincerely, I was looking forward to you showing up, though I figured this would be your reaction. Is there anything about this administration in the last two days that doesn't signal complete surrender?
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