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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. He wasn't really asked about the texts or his attitudes either though, he was asked about the "things that have happened in this country" over the past couple months.
  2. Right? Why bag on him on Twitter instead of asking a follow up?
  3. I'm as down on Trump as anyone (well ok, not ANYONE) right now but at least he has some history of doing the right thing and appointing some good people. The country's divide isn't his fault, he's just the result of a deep divide that has existed since the 1950s, possibly earlier. If I lived in a swing state I'd register and vote for him because a Biden presidency results in some outcomes I don't particularly care for. And for the record: no, your rant was not readable.
  4. I can't trust the Republicans to even do that right. Look at the current teacher situation: the government school teacher unions are screaming to the heavens that we should be educating our own children at home in an attempt to make Trump look bad. It's the right's biggest opportunity for a cultural win in generations and they're blowing it.
  5. For all our sake, I hope you're right. But I think everyone predicting an electoral landslide for Trump this November because of the "silent majority" has their heads firmly buried in the sand, especially after Trump has betrayed the very principles that got him elected by those folks to begin with.
  6. I'm not saying Joe's doing well. He isn't. I'm saying that the broader RNC strategy of pulling out every racial gaffe from the last 40 years of Joe's career isn't gonna win them elections. Polls suck but they can at least tell us what moves the needle and that ***** does not move the needle.
  7. lol like I said, feeble. Joe Biden is a traitor and a coward and he's going to sit in the oval office next January. Sad, just ***** sad.
  8. I don't vote, and if I did I wouldn't vote for traitors. That said, the fact that Republicans are so snowblind they can't see what's right in front of them is why they're going to lose the White House this November. What exactly do you think is "winning" about this strategy? Do you think "never Hillary" voters give a ***** about whether Joe is a racist or not? Or black people, for that matter? Is pushing for a 2% increase in black Trump voters really the way to win this election? Let's be honest about it: Joe is right, black folks vote as a solid block. Black folks are why Prop 8 got passed in California and 90+% of them reliably vote blue every four years. Trying to win over a few of them is NOT how Trump can retain the WH in 2020. It just isn't. The only thing about this election that's more feeble than Joe Biden is the RNC's strategy to keep him out of Washington.
  9. When will Republicans learn that "J0e is dUh rEAl r4ciST!!1!" is not a winning strategy?
  10. They’ve bought into their own hype so much that they don’t realize that the fact that we like them is almost entirely dependent on the fact that they play for the TEAM we’re fans of. I wouldn’t give two ***** about the tre white goalie academy if he didn’t play for Buffalo. These dudes love to say “it’s a business” when they go get their big payday but suddenly when we’re talking about them skipping seasons it’s personal. Huh? It’s just business bro.
  11. There's US law on the books for decades that tells businesses what sort of classes they cannot arbitrarily discriminate against. Stay in your lane, hoser.
  12. I can think of a lot worse things corporations can (do) aspire to than "faithful steward." That said the Popeye's sandwich is stupid good and I'll just live with the withering looks from the ill-mannered folks that serve it.
  13. The cat cult is almost as bad as the dog cult.
  14. There's one play from the Titans playoff game that makes me more optimistic about Lamar than the "it's just RGIII all over again" crowd. It's the Ravens first drive so there's like 10 minutes left in the first quarter (before the INT on the same drive). Throws an absolute dart to the sideline on an out or corner to the TE. Great footwork, great placement, great everything...until you watch the all-22 and realize he missed his first read (safety) entirely on a deep post for what would have been an easy TD. If he can slow that down and make that first read, it's 7-0 Ravens and a much different ballgame. Instead, the drive continues and some shoddy footwork and lackluster pass pro result in an INT (+15 yard penalty on none other than Lamar) that gets the Titans amped up and makes it look like the moment was too big for QB1...again.
  15. I wonder if the pic of my buddy passed out on the porta-john will pass quality control.
  16. Yeah...only time I "enjoy" roulette is when I'm ready to blow some winnings. Rivers still with no opening date ?
  17. Wasn't it 2013? The EJ draft year. Poor EJ.
  18. And where did that faith get the Bills last year? Another year without a banner and another year without a playoff win. I have high hopes for Josh too. I've seen some things that made my jaw drop. But I've seen some dimes from Lamar too. Will we see those kinds of things every game a la Rodgers, Wilson and co? Maybe someday. But I think both could do it. That's more my point than anything else. I won't read anything into Roman's play calling other than "don't fix it if it ain't broke."
  19. That's where my "expertise" (lol) ends. Again, I'm not saying Lamar doesn't have work to do as a passer. He does. But pointing to the offense the Ravens tend to run as proof that he'll never take the next step in that area is not going to convince anybody who doesn't already have that opinion of him.
  20. Because that doesn't give their teams the best chance of winning right now? Coaches want to keep their jobs and winning is the best way of doing that. Harbaugh and Roman are getting that done. Watson and Wilson have proved themselves as passers. I think it's fair to say Josh has a way to go before hitting their QB tier.
  21. And making assumptions as to the motivations behind the decisions. Roman might not be running the option because Lamar sucks at throwing. He might be running it because they're trying to win and the option just gives them the best chance of winning right now with the personnel they have at skill positions. Lamar's making the throws they ask him to make - that's really all he can do. And then goes to work in the offseason. Despite Josh's current limitations the Bills run a more "standard" offense that relies more on QB passing ability. They might be doing that to try and try Josh by fire, if you will. If he's not the guy he'll stall out at best and crash and burn at worst. Then you turn around and draft another QB. Meanwhile Josh goes to work in the offseason trying to ascend. My point isn't that the Ravens aren't hiding some limitations, it's that assuming they don't believe in Lamar at all as a passer is kind of odd given what they've been able to do with the offense they're running. If you can get to 14-2 running the option nobody's going to ask questions or assume they should switch their playcalling around.
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