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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. TDKR was still an excellent film, but Dark Knight set a standard that's impossible to match.
  2. ? Just awful. It's funny to watch Dodge put out awesome American muscle and Ram start to really get its ***** together while Chrysler and Jeep just ***** their pants over and over.
  3. Imagine being able to ruin everything you touch. Such is life as a Jeep "idea guy."
  4. Every few years we get a sex scandal involving a publicly religious dude and the libs get a break to make fun of the disgusting "sex positive" ***** they constantly shove down our throats. Really refreshing.
  5. In a cutthroat neighborhood like that it's no wonder you thought the grill tucked behind the garage next door was fair game.
  6. Even Nolan couldn’t match himself in the third part of his trilogy. TDK was one for the ages.
  7. Matt Reeves is this movie's greatest hope. Colin Farrell is an interesting add, I like him. Is it just me or does Pattinson's Bruce Wayne seem more "brooding recluse" than "billionaire playboy?" Pattinson takes his acting very seriously now and the Twilight franchise attachment doesn't turn me away. From what I understand, in the Batman timeline this movie starts before a lot of the characters are cemented - Selina doesn't have her "Catwoman" gear, there isn't really a "Riddler" moniker yet. I'm interested.
  8. Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
  9. Here's a puzzler for you: why is it that the public is supposed to "question" whether or not somebody who did something dumb is racist? Why is it suddenly en vogue to label people as racist based on 15 seconds of video? Who actually benefits from it? Yeah it's pretty telling this dude doesn't have even the basic social awareness necessary to be doing that job, much less the other skills required.
  10. I'm not saying the dude is a stand-up guy, but you're awful thin on evidence of racism here. If your sentiments run somewhere near "***** 12" you can just say it man, I won't be offended. What changed his demeanor could easily be "this prick in a suit is trying to push past me I'm Mr. Super Tough Man hear me roar" but hey Occam's Razor doesn't fly here on TBD.
  11. Must be nice being clairvoyant. I wonder what sort of dumb ***** we’d find in your past if we had the same sixth sense that you do. Would it be enough to get you cancelled? For me the answer to that question is clear.
  12. Here's a tip for y'all: don't try to get past armed security without showing your credentials. And don't be incompetent and socially inept if you're gonna work security at a major sporting event. This ***** isn't hard, people.
  13. A Bills fan walks into a bar. He's an alcohol and it's destroying his family.
  14. The hell? Aren't they at TPC Boston? Have we ever seen scores like that there?
  15. When Christ comes back most Americans’ flesh will be feasted on by the birds of the air. This is the supper of the great God.
  16. That’s exactly what they’re telling you. It’s called ethnonarcissism. If black supremacism was as verboten as white supremacism on the internet there would be no black people on twitter.
  17. Exactly this. The left is essentially putting a gun to the nation’s head while thumbing through Alinsky’s rules with the other hand.
  18. "Among sports channels" lmao they even get edged out by TNT for regular season basketball my man
  19. When it comes to the NFL? Fox crushes them Sunday mornings, SNF crushes MNF, NFL network is better on every level. It's not even a debate.
  20. Predictably, everyone who says "Barstool bad" can't articulate why Barstool is bad. Same people probably think that ESPN is still good. Lames.
  21. Welp, that's a shitload of restitution to have to pay.
  22. Modern problems require modern solutions.
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