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Posts posted by LeviF

  1. 14 minutes ago, SCBills said:

    Trump has a lot of faults, but being invited by the family of the fallen officer, welcomed by the NYPD and attending his funeral while the incumbent candidate for President is down the road partying it up with Lizzo and Colbert at a fundraiser is quite the split screen today. 

    There’s a reason why one of the deepest blue cities in the world saw all of their police unions endorse Trump. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:

    All of it is by design.


    All of it.

    This is especially true in NYC, as they did literally everything leftists screamed wouldn’t work to reduce crime for a decade and a half and, what do you know, it reduced crime. 

    Then DeBlasio and Adams piss it all away. Back to the 70s and 80s times of handing out flyers to tourists reminding them not to go out after 7. 

    3 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:
  3. 6 hours ago, Tommy Callahan said:

    Defund police.  Cut the mta.  Now you got military and scanners to use public transportation. 



    Again, the truism on display: leftists will try anything except actually punishing criminals. 

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  4. On 3/26/2024 at 10:48 AM, LeviF said:

    I’ve been banging that drum for a while. New York City in particular has the resources to ruthlessly enforce every gun law on the books and they choose not to. 

    Every week I get a bulletin about people known to be prohibited from possessing firearms displaying firearms on various social media platforms. Then of course there are the endless videos on TikTok and what have you of gangbangers displaying their glocks with sears or full auto switches. But you never hear about them getting scooped up by the ATF to get their mandatory 10 plus 10 for the gang escalator. Wonder why. 


    On 3/26/2024 at 10:51 AM, The Frankish Reich said:

    I actually had a judge get really pissed off at me once for arguing the same thing (knowing that she was a gun control advocate): if you want to make an impact on gun crime, that begins with vigorously enforcing the existing gun crimes ...


    On 3/26/2024 at 12:36 PM, LeviF said:

    It’s the same story every time, including from the residents here: leftists are willing to try anything except actually punishing criminals. 

    Example in another area is the Minnesota (?) AG suing Kia and Hyundai because their cars are “too easy for the youth to steal.”




    Right on time lmao

  5. 27 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:




    Would now be the time to make the requisite joke of you becoming acquainted with said criminals during your law school classes?


    27 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:


    I will note that "Asian" is such a huge category that it is almost meaningless. It will encompass South Asians (India/Pakistan/Bangladesh), Southeast Asians (Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia/Thailand), East Asians (China), Japanese, Koreans, etc.

    I will say I've personally never encountered something like an "Indian American criminal street gang," whereas I have encountered may such gangs composed of other Asians. Just my two cents.



    The largest, and most visible, Asian street gangs are Chinese and typically operate with the blessing, if not as a direct extension of, the ChiCom government. Though ABZ, which is mixed SEAsians, has been pushing into more northeast territory. From what I understand there are some small Korean and Hmong gangs on the west coast.


    28 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:


    It seems to exist for the sole purpose of pointing out the race of the alleged perpetrator in specific crimes.

    Not for the purpose, say, of "correcting" MSM sites that hide the race of the alleged perps. No. Simply to focus on the idea that "lookee here, another black man committed a crime against a white person."

    Again: racist.


    The statistics on this are pretty stark and tend to surprise people because interracial violence, in general, tends to be hidden from view (except in the case where a black guy is killed by or near a white police officer).


    But yes, pointing out the disparities there, I've been told, is racist. Subtle woke more correct moment, I suppose.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. Just now, The Frankish Reich said:

    OK, I checked out the Twitter profile that started this.

    It is racist.

    It's whole point is to juxtapose photos of crime victims next to mugshots of their alleged black perps. I can't see any nonracist reason for doing this. I imagine the account holder thinks it's some kind of counterbalance to MSM websites hiding the identity of alleged perps. I don't agree with that, but this is no way to "balance" it.

    It is a racist account by design.


    Under what definition of "racism" are we operating here?


    I'm really hoping for a woke more correct moment but we're not quite there yet. Keep going.

  7. Checking NIBRS data it appears that several large cities, which will have the larger Asian populations, have not reported race data for crimes in 2022. Including LAPD.


    Still, 1% of homicides for around 7% of the population is pretty good and that gap won't close even if large agencies that have suddenly become non-compliant with race reporting in NIBRS (curious, no?) decide to report.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Doc said:


    "A number"?  And violent crime?


    He's a lolyer. He's going to have been acquainted with a number of criminals.


    Asians (the UCR class Indians would be in) have disproportionately low violent crime numbers but the numbers aren't 0.


    2022 has (so far, not sure what % of districts have reported) 200 reported homicides with an "Asian" offender of 19,776 known homicide offenders that year.


    I'm not even going to bust out the census data but Asians, I assume, are more than 1.01-ish% of the population.

  9. 7 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Why the silhouette of a black male? I see nothing in the story that mentions the race of the perp.

    I'm not saying that it would be racist to include a mugshot of a black man if he is the alleged perp. I have no problem with that. But this ... isn't that.




    According to juvenile court documents, Friday night on March 8th a group of four suspects including 17-year-old Markavon Jones drove around looking to steal a Hyundai or a Kia from “where old folks lived.”




  10. 1 minute ago, ChiGoose said:

    Well, if Jones didn’t want such a big judgment against him, maybe he should have actually participated in discovery. 


    32 minutes ago, LeviF said:

    I guess more close to my meaning would be something like “you’re never going to convince me that being mean is worth one billion dollars.”

    You could have just read my post to begin with and saved us both some time. 

  11. Just now, ChiGoose said:

    Last time I checked, the suit was a civil case and not a criminal one. 

    And again, a civil judgment in excess of one billion dollars for being mean is essentially a star chamber decision. 

    You asked what I would want in the above scenario. I answered. I would also accept public caning or the stocks. Hell, we could form up a good old fashioned mob and do the caning ourselves and save the taxpayers some money. What I wouldn’t want is an arbitrary decision that, in the end, amounts to a moral victory where everyone can clap and feel good about themselves for not being Alex Jones except for me, because there still isn’t any justice and my kid is still dead. At least with prison time, caning, etc. I get some justice. 

  12. 1 minute ago, ChiGoose said:

    If your child was murdered at school and then you had to endure harassment and threats because a moron who was popular with other morons was making bank by saying that you made the whole thing up and your kid either never existed or wasn’t actually killed, what kind of damages do you think would be reasonable to get the idiot to stop ruining your life?

    Is a billion dollar debt more effective than prison? Because last I checked Jones still manages to talk on the internet. 

  13. 8 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Watch the documentary. He was rude, belligerent, totally unsympathetic right to the end.

    The only "show" was his attempt to turn the trial into further sales of his snake oil products.

    I guess more close to my meaning would be something like “you’re never going to convince me that being mean is worth one billion dollars.”

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