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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Yeah I guess knee grow is filtered
  2. Perfect opportunity to do Spiders (former name) or Buckeyes (the Cleveland ***** League franchise). But instead they get this nonsense. Cleveland sucks.
  3. Good luck to you, friend.
  4. OP, poast proof of 15% body fat and ability to do 12 good form pull-ups before you lecture us on health.
  5. Unironically yes
  6. Entrapment? Federal agents? Never!
  7. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.detroitnews.com/amp/8013618002 This is getting weird.
  8. The Biden administration again has China propped up on a tee, ready to be smacked 450 feet into the cheap seats of the global hierarchy. I'm afraid that this administration, like the last administration and nearly all of the previous ones from the last sixty years, lacks the fortitude to do so. Sad.
  9. I just got my second refund lmao
  10. The Peacemakers, I assume you mean, are morons. And half of them have gang ink themselves. You know where guns used in gang related shootings come from? Cause it ain’t any gun dealer in PA.
  11. Yeah, that’s the problem in New York. Sure bud
  12. I guess I don’t have much of one 😂 other than even with high rates of vaccination you could end up with significant numbers of players in protocol for days at a time. Assuming they’re still testing everyone.
  13. The affected players, yeah, but as a team they’re above 85%
  14. People who are trying to cross illegally clearly misread the situation here. Open borders traitors who full throatedly supported Bai Dan probably had more to do with it than the president himself.
  15. Well clearly the message wasn’t heard if illegal entry arrests more than doubled.
  16. The Yankees just had to cancel a game due to an outbreak and they’re 85%+ vaccinated. Still no guarantees. Frankly with those kinds of numbers I’m surprised they’re still testing.
  17. I don’t think he’s gonna request a trade. Maybe he was in his feelings a little too much or maybe he really does want to get out if the crazy restrictions continue. Reality is that COVID is here to stay. Sports leagues have to figure out how to deal with that. The MLB showed us just the other night that they’re still trying to figure it out.
  18. Which part of Venezuela’s constitution declares it a dictatorship? The Fourth Estate in America is an enemy of the people. Free press hasn’t existed here since the 80s.
  19. Maduro was elected, was he not? That is, until he wasn't. But surely a government can't gain so much power as to make elections moot!
  20. They might as well chant "CIA" to the heavens.
  21. I don't understand they all have health care and 100% literacy
  22. Southgate seems to be willing to fall on the sword. Frankly even outside of the 5th spot there are issues. I think all this bloviating over the senior players being cowards or whatever is just that. Not sure why half of England wants to make excuses for a manager who clearly botched the decision.
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