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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Someone told me I was sliding left because I think that corporate fast food is typically bad for societies. The left/right dichotomy is increasingly meaningless.
  2. Does a triple poast count? I mean it's always sucked but it sucked in a glorious way then. Kind of like the Fast and Furious movies.
  3. You've been around at least as long as I. The golden age of PPP was in the reign of Darin. This is not up for debate.
  4. PPP has sucked since Darin was pushed from his seat as the One True Mod.
  5. Moorish sovereigns have been a problem for a long time homie. In other news: https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/09/us/golf-pro-gene-siller-triple-homicide-suspect/index.html They got the guy who murdered three people in Georgia on Saturday.
  6. The US is already run by a cabal of gerontocrats with no interest in the long term future of this country or its heritage people. It’s over. Has been for a generation or two. More to your point, the cartels have bought influence at local levels before. But the amount of money needed to take the US government into pocket at this point is too much for a cartel or gang to come up with. They’re competing with big pharma, big ag, and big tech, after all.
  7. Based and HAARP-pilled
  8. Lol this problem has an obvious source and it really isn’t the federal government in either of the previous two iterations.
  9. There is no political solution. When it reaches this stage the end is either war or total collapse.
  10. “Vote for Levi, he will end the homelessness epidemic, reform the prisons, and solve the license plate shortage.”
  11. They don’t even care if it’s completely unbelievable.
  12. Yeah I told my coworkers that prices are gonna stay the same but all the extras will disappear. The franchises are cheap as hell
  13. Every year. Rumor is if you catch Bill Pullman out at a bar and get him drunk enough he’ll stand on his barstool and give the speech.
  14. Whatever cheap ***** that own the Marriott properties in westchester and Nassau counties still haven’t brought back hot breakfast.
  15. Beef, despite their misdirection, is up 50% over the past year.
  16. The absurdity is the point.
  17. Gonna go out on a limb and say Lee Smith.
  18. Yes but wasn’t a great plea, still a felony conviction. Unlike his DV incident in which he got off really easy. Misdemeanor conviction not related to DV.
  19. Yeah that's the rub, if the cop could see it looking through your window it's tough to say "golly gee didn't know that was there!"
  20. That would be the first goal if the facts are what they are. I'm not sure how Clark's felony burglary plea ended up wayyyy back when and how California handles that sort of thing. Obviously a felony conviction ordinarily bars you from possessing a firearm and IIRC that automatically elevates it to felony possession. BUT if it was expunged AND the state in which he was convicted no longer bars him from possessing a firearm then it might be better for him. But then there's the assault weapon part of it 🤷‍♂️ not really sure how that works there tbh.
  21. No, it's not. California penal code doesn't care who owns the illegal firearm.
  22. They did it. The ***** did it. RIP King
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