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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. The problem isn't so much "getting a handle" as it is the obvious insincerity in the efforts. 70% plus of eligible Americans have gotten at least one shot. That was the stated goal. If vaccination is *actually* a priority we could easily force a vaccine mandate on inbound foreign travelers to the US air, land, and sea crossings. But we aren't. Instead we get hundreds of thousands of people pouring in monthly with no restrictions on their behavior from the government who has TOTAL CONTROL over entry policy. Unvaccinated Americans represent approximately 2.5% of all unvaccinated individuals in the world. Yet everything is their fault.
  2. Leftists will always use children as their ideological human shields. It's constant. Just waiting for a COVID version of Greta to drop. And Greta was a climate change version of David Hogg. And David Hogg was a gun control version of...well you get the point.
  3. I mean stealing the blank cards would be another move. I think they got someone on that out west recently. But from what I understand they just come in shrink wrapped stacks and there's like a vaccine batch number that goes on there or something. Idk I got my shots in January/February and almost immediately lost my card lmao
  4. Remarkably easy to counterfeit, they have no security features whatsoever. Someone in my agency arrested someone for trying to pass a fake one, but it was a really bad fake.
  5. I found a Bledsoe highlight vid with all his Bills TDs and it was easy to forget for a moment that he was about as bad as most of the other QBs we had during the drought.
  6. It comes from the same playbook as all the other neoliberal nonsense: heritage Americans are bad and everyone else is a saint. Climate change has the same ridiculous approach: punish heritage Americans while third world hellholes are the worst pollution offenders. Look at the idiotic narrative in neoliberal America that somehow unvaccinated Americans are the cause of rapid spreading COVID variants. Hold every unvaccinated American adult down and force it on them. Now what happens, considering 80% of the world is still unvaccinated and we have virtually no restrictions at our land borders?
  7. You have a discerning eye.
  8. This was posted today on a forum for verified law enforcement officers only. Submitted without comment. Obviously it’s the internet but you can find videos that corroborate some of this if you google enough. I should mention that pulling agents off the line is a reactive, not proactive move.
  9. In any case it's not "new" because someone clearly went beyond normal quality control on it. I'd demand an actual new one.
  10. LeVar Burton is great. Pronunciation on point. Maybe slow it down a little but other than that I have no complaints and think he's perfect for the job.
  11. This ***** thread again? Also your source is a wordpress site whose tagline is "making pizza fun." Bruh
  12. Diggs is an elite talent. No doubt. But Allen is gonna make that dude the kind of money he never would have sniffed on 90% of the other teams in this league. Including the Ravens, whether that’s because of their offense, Lamar, or some combination of the two.
  13. Based on pictures I'd guess both were well over both of those measures.
  14. Getting steamy in here, gonna hit the sauna chill with some bros. You know just doing bro things naked in a hot room
  15. Yeah I guess knee grow is filtered
  16. Perfect opportunity to do Spiders (former name) or Buckeyes (the Cleveland ***** League franchise). But instead they get this nonsense. Cleveland sucks.
  17. Good luck to you, friend.
  18. OP, poast proof of 15% body fat and ability to do 12 good form pull-ups before you lecture us on health.
  19. Unironically yes
  20. Entrapment? Federal agents? Never!
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