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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Wanting a nation without wokeness or unlimited migration.
  2. Oh no. Imagine a country where corporate oligarchs can’t propagandize your 8 year old into transitioning. The horror.
  3. Underrated poast. Reality is we could vaporize every poppy field on the planet in a matter of minutes, instead we play prop-up fake democracy games. Makes ya think.
  4. What leftists say: defund police! What leftists mean: replace local police and sheriffs with federal goon squads who beat and kill the people I want!
  5. I suppose we could call that a win. We had the entire peninsula at one point. My grandfather would tell me stories about having to blow up bridges they built as they pulled back.
  6. Second??? Based on long-term outcomes it's arguable that the US hasn't truly "won" a major foreign conflict since the Gulf War, and before that WWII.
  7. Not to mention all those other options he said he'd like to pursue, like tennis and investment banking. Boy he sure made us look like idiots.
  8. Unfortunately the initial premise quickly gave way to the normative ***sPReaD dUhMoCRacY*** and as it turns out (for the like 18th time) propping up an incredibly unpopular government really isn't a winning strategy.
  9. Not only that but sending the Secretary of State to the UN to spread known bull#### in support of said war. Conservatives had massive amounts of cultural power in the early 2000s and all they did was go to war with Iraq (remember listening to the radio and the stations would lay Bush speeches over the bridges of pop-rock songs???). Shameful. The Republican party has since deserved everything it's gotten.
  10. Maybe they should start twerking on TikTok whilst working again to convince us how sad the situation is.
  11. I think they could only report 10-19 because that's how the deaths are updated by age range. 0-9, 10-19, 20-29, etc.
  12. This was exactly my point in the "Biden fumble" thread. It all reeks. And it's because leftists have to maintain competing ideas in their head, which contributes to their shrill nature.
  13. Better hand out more condoms and plan B to female inmates.
  14. More death. It's their heads if they get it wrong. And frankly there are bigger horror stories than this one in the FDA's history.
  15. Reporting is for pussies. And PPP is not meant to be a better place. It's meant to be a shithole. The FDA takes forever for literally everything. And frankly I don't blame them.
  16. Truly I think you missed the point. It wasn't a great point and not the best example but I do think you missed it. And at this point you're on a crusade which is one of the rules that historically has actually been enforced here.
  17. Well now we wait for the ghouls to come in and say that it's just darwinism - she was unvaxxed so she deserved it just like all the other spreadnecks. Right?
  18. I went running last May - outside, on the street, - and a woman screamed at me from her porch to put on a mask. She was by herself on her porch wearing a mask. I happily flipped her the bird. Must have been shocking to her, being on the right side of history and all. Thank g-d for a while I thought I was the only one awake in 2003.
  19. The reason leftists scream about vaccines even while only unvaccinated people are hospitalized and die is because they have no other outlets to play hero. And people with no outlets to play hero will inevitably take what they’re given and run way too far with it. Same thing with mask debaters. They love being on the “right side of history” and view themselves in heroic terms for wearing a face diaper outside with nobody around because their personalities are vaccines against sociability.
  20. What child? How old were they?
  21. By sarcastically dunking on players out of the running in Final.
  22. Jeopardy! is a trivia game show
  23. For what its worth, Hungary is a landlocked country that was entirely broke coming out of the Bloc. That it's come as far as it has in thirty years while also reclaiming its obliterated traditions should be a source of national pride for them.
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