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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Part of the reason is to monitor crypto transactions.
  2. So Horn is probably done for the year? And Carolina thinks they’re going to the playoffs.
  3. I’m 6’4” so it’s completely normal.
  4. That's weird, I was going to say something really filthy about cornhole and your wife too!
  5. “What a *gluck gluck* throw! It’s *slurrrp* amazing to see what this *gag* young man can do!”
  6. All it really tells you is how pass-happy a team is in general.
  7. Pass rate for 1st and 2nd downs where your team has between a 25% and 75% chance of winning the game, excluding final 2:00 of each half.
  8. I think getting spanked in the Super Bowl knocked that fanbase down a peg. Watching the face of the franchise run for his life and get knocked around like a ball of string will humble you. Not to mention they have to be pretty upset at how their defense is playing, considering the Cowboys made Jalen Hurts look like a bottom tier DIII prospect last Monday night.
  9. Yeah. With soldiers. Who btw are not yet required to get vaccinated. See where this is going yet?
  10. We reorganized our entire society so that obese members of your age cohort could extend their miserable lives by a few months. ***** off.
  11. A pandemic so terrible and hospitals so overburdened that we need to fire people that work in hospitals.
  12. All elderly people tend to look the same after a while.
  13. Apparently the Mannings are taking the next three off and will be back for weeks 7 and 8 @Gugny
  14. Yes. They have the two Mannings and the game on split screen. Sometimes they make the game screen smaller so that one of them can go to the whiteboard and break down a play.
  15. Bruh what's with the question mark
  16. You’re welcome for my service.
  17. As pooj said they're on every MNF as an alt broadcast.
  18. I tried telling people last year. That ***** was never about police brutality. Nobody listened. But the arc of history is long and it bends toward my vindication.
  19. I don’t. People don’t like the coward’s way out but it saves the cost and outside shot of acquittal at trial. Just think if Casey Anthony had suck-started a 12 gauge there’d be a number of folks in Florida who would be sleeping better now.
  20. wtf Kingston is a “great little town” what *****in planet are you from homie
  21. I mean, if they had PC or ARS to charge or detain him on some other crime, sure. In the former case they could start putting him through the system and all the trappings that come with that. In the latter they'd have an hour or so at most. You know though, it's funny, hearing all these internet ditektivs talk about what should have been done in this case. No wonder they all hate cops. If police agencies actually did investigations the way everyone seems to think they do, I'd hate the police too.
  22. I watched that for about a quarter. I can only take an hour or so before the hokey accent gets to me. But objectively it was quality entertainment.
  23. Sub bottom
  24. So you’re the reason for the one bad mark on my bachelor party.
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