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Posts posted by LeviF

  1. Roundy wants you to think the book was panned because it was false, and also happened to be racist. 

    Fact is, The Bell Curve was panned because it goes against Roundy’s religion. The heritability of intelligence is one of the only facts found through psych research that stands up through the replication crisis. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Tommy Callahan said:

    At that point should just hear "Taser, Taser, Taser.


    And 3 innocent people wouldn't have holes in them 


    Seems the very fast escalation of force resulted in unintended consequences.  Maybe using documented escalation practices would have had better results. 




    Couple of things here:


    1. You do not bring a taser to a knife fight.

    2. The knife came out after unsuccessful deployment of a taser.


    NYPD is a mess and hiring is ***** so we're going to see more of this. But shooting someone who pulls a knife on you is not escalation of force. It's matching force.

  3. 14 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    You brought up whites on welfare, I was just pointing out the historic advantage whites have had in wealth generation. You were using that to lump Haitians in with other Blacks to make a racist point

    Well to your point nearly 100% of Haitians here receive benefits. 

    But I was responding to someone who implies that whites receive an overwhelmingly higher amount of welfare benefits when it’s simply not true. 

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  4. 21 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Historic wealth generation. Whites have had exclusive access to the good jobs in the past so they have created generational wealth. Look at the Trump's, Bush's and Romney's, but black folk were not allowed to earn great wages. You think George W Bush and Donald Trump would have made it on their own? They would be welfare dead beat dads if they had to grow up in a poor community

    Wow, imagine a nation serving its people rather than the foreign horde. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, SectionC3 said:

    Hoax.  Back in 2018 Trump didn't want to cut welfare benefits because it would hurt his constituents.  You know, trailer MAGA.  

    Despite making up a decent majority of the US population, non-Hispanic whites represent less than 45% of welfare recipients. Again, not included in the patronage network. 

    Btw, those “hard working” Haitians receive thousands in gov benefits so that the “good people” of Springfield can pay them bottom tier wages and displace locals who demanded higher wages for their work. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, SectionC3 said:

    Your big problem is that, like MAGA and Trump, you don't have a solution for inflation.  Still no response to my point yesterday about the moronic idea to give an across-the-board 5% tax cut to everyone (Terry Pegula, for example, and yourself alike, notwithstanding the fact that Terry is going to get way, way, way more of a break than will you).  MAGA likes the phrase "useful idiots."  An idea like that, to the rich folks, makes you a useful idiot.  

    That's not what the good people of Springfield say.  These folks show up on time, work hard, and do a good job every day.  American success stories.  Unlike certain trash who were born into this country by luck or fate who've never worked for anything and still want a handout (looking at you, trailer MAGA). 

    You have to go back too. 

    Btw, whites are the least likely of the groups talked about here to receive or seek “handouts.” The patronage network of the GAE doesn’t include them anyhow. 

  7. 12 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Our resident White Nationalist right on brand.

    Just like those white nationalists keeping Haitians out of the Dominican. 




    The Dominican Republic shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti, which has descended into chaos and gang warfare since the 2021 assassination of President Jovenel Moïse. Abinader’s government has built a wall along its 250-mile border with Haiti and deported at least 175,000 Haitians fleeing crisis last year alone.

    The crackdown has brought accusations from human rights groups that say Abinader’s policies are racist and in violation of international law. They estimate around 130,000 people of Haitian descent remain “stateless” in the country, without access to basic citizenship rights due to Dominican Republic’s birthright citizenship laws. 

    When Volker Türk, the United Nations high commissioner for human rights, asked Abinader to suspend deportations due to high rates of violence and sexual abuse against civilians in Haiti, the president refused.

    Abinader picked up the crown. Landslide reelection for him and a complete sweep for his party this year. 

  8. 8 hours ago, SectionC3 said:

    I'm not one for poetry. Maybe this is Whitman, or Yeats, or just some guy in a bar decades ago.  But this is my philosophy on the movement of bowels:


    Boss makes a dollar. 

    I make a dime. 

    That's why I poop

    on company time. 


    My personal favorite:


    Boss makes a billion

    I make a buck

    Cut the catalytic converter

    Off the company truck

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  9. 14 hours ago, Roundybout said:


    Holy *****



    Those cops need to be suspended at minimum. Imagine if he wasn't an NFL athlete. 


    ***** losers on a power trip. 


    If he wasn't an NFL athlete he'd currently be in prison for beating his woman and kids.


    If he wasn't an NFL athlete he'd have been sitting in jail during the Dolphins game waiting on his date with the judge the next morning.


    Give it a rest, *****.

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