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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Pretty sure he was getting carjacked
  2. The (really) old heads around my neck of the woods have some stories that would blow people's minds about the big pushes for diversity (read: more female and minority police) that tore through the academies back in the day.
  3. I will say I am generally against all tattoos. Oh, and resisting arrest is not "self defense."
  4. Da ba da ba da ba da ba da ba macarena Da ba da ba da ba da ba da ba macarena da ba da ba da ba da ba da ba macarena hey, Macarena!
  5. Benedict on thanksgiving? If I eat anything richer than Blue Light before thanksgiving dinner I’m not like to get enough turkey in me to make my protein goal
  6. People love Jupiter but I've always been partial to Saturn, the fifth movement.
  7. Leftists are wrong 100% of the time because they worship lies and ugliness instead of God and somehow believe it makes them better people. Good talking to you roundy, hope the house is all good. Flush that water heater every once in a while!
  8. And this, right here, is proof positive that you don't believe in nationhood at all. You want an economic zone that's unlivable for anyone with a sense of smell.
  9. There were more settlers than the Mayflower. Even if the US were a "nation of immigrants," that doesn't necessitate that we allow the third world to use my country as a landfill for their worst and dumbest, which in every practical sense is what's happening. Just look how they kick and scream about deportations. If it were actually true that these people made America better, certainly they could make the hellholes that they came from better, no? "I want to live here." "No." ⬅️ If you can't have that exact conversation in your country you don't have a country.
  10. Even if you repeat this lie one million times, it will never be true.
  11. The US was 90% White Christian inside of living memory.
  12. That's why they were empires, not nations. There are several ethnostates currently in existence. Israel, Turkey, Belgium (bi-ethnic) are some such. Japan is arguably a de facto ethnostate as well. That you're this deeply committed to maintaining only the most ridiculous of the Libertarians' ideas is puzzling, to be honest. No borders, no nation. Ask any failed society.
  13. The notion that anything regarding building a nation needs to be "modern" or "enlightened" in the sense that you mean is a prior you haven't proven and has, in fact, been shot down by nature itself repeatedly. And regarding "free movement" and "free association," what you really mean is the right of the third world to have access to what whites have built and maintained. Access to whites is not a right. Hope that helps.
  14. As usual, you have clear patterns of thought but oriented entirely in the wrong direction. People call you stupid on here but that's not strictly true. You're just all turned around.
  15. You may sneer all you like, being a leftist you are 100% wrong all of the time. You've had your worldview propped up by fake laws, fake money, fake human nature, and of course the most important piece, fake "conservatives." These last two points are rather salient as I illustrated some time back: The reality is that shared visions of the common good are often drawn along national (read: ethnic) lines. The laws passed in 1964 and 1965 attempted (and succeeded) in remaking America into something that historically cannot be called a "nation." It was the left's midgame (and the last point at which it could have been rebuffed by American politicians under ordinary processes) in the attempt to turn America from a free and functional society into something else.
  16. Freedom of speech, association, and assembly all wiped out. Followed immediately by the authorization of the importation of a new voting public, but now it's borderline illegal to complain about it.
  17. Great Society/War on Poverty/Civil Rights Act. The real killing blow was Hart-Celler the next year though.
  18. The Constitution is a dead letter, you say? Where have I heard that before?
  19. Ha! I have enough hobbies that my wife has no interest in. She can glom onto football whenever she wants, just not her bag. We went to one game together as newlyweds (vs. Denver, 2019). In her words, "that was fun, but I don't think I need to go to another one." When I got to work this morning I had a chance to talk with one of my subordinates who is also a Bills fan. Apparently his fiancee has him in the doghouse for his "appalling" behavior on Sunday, after she insisted on watching the game with him at home 😂 I told him we could set up some coaching for her on marrying a Bills fan.
  20. Oh my coworkers for sure. My wife is blissfully ignorant about football, but she does have some broad strokes down. I was watching Eagles-Commanders and halftime came, she asked if the Bills had already played. I told her they played at 6:30. She asked who they were playing. I informed her. She says, "and this is for who goes to the Super Bowl?" Five minutes later I found myself getting pushed out the door. "You should watch it at the bar. Have fun!" 😂
  21. I figured it was better to be a miserable ####### to my coworkers than to my family.
  22. That's my point: the vast majority of the left's pets that are in prison are not nonviolent, nor are they simply "drug offenders" (though we should have a conversation about executing recalcitrant drug dealers).
  23. This is the modal "nonviolent drug offender" by the way. And the only way to stop the left from criminal justice reforming every murderer out of prison is to start executing them.
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