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Everything posted by FreakPop

  1. Kind of hypocritical thinking don't you think? You blame the Cowboys/Romos failures on the "team" and yet those similar failures for the Bills are all and solely blamed on Fitz and all his fault. Man, I can't believe people actually think like that.
  2. ...and that is all the QBs fault, right? Maybe the other 52 guys in uniform, and the apparent incompetence of the coaching staff might also play a role in your thinking they will be 3-6 soon.
  3. Amazing isn't it? Brady was 22/36 340yds 3TDs 0 ints. Fitz was 22/39 350yds 4TDs 4ints Brady was considered to have an extremely good/great day and Fitz is considered to have an absolute chitty day. Really! Again, as I have asked before what do you want from Fitz? What if the QBs were switched since their numbers are almost identical? Fitz wins the game if he is on the Pats and Brady loses if he is on the Bills. The defense gives up what they gave up today and all anybody wants to do is rag on the QB, Wow!
  4. They were never on the field until the 4th when it was out of hand. Poor defensive game plan by Wanny.
  5. So points against good defenses in a loss don't count? Really! Dumb logic! Does Fitz get to discredit the 2 garbage time interceptions also? Your logic suggests this. Maybe you are the one who needs to rethink!
  6. but Jets and Pats, bottom feeders huh? 28 points against both of them is.
  7. That fumble was a huge back breaker and momentum turner, it turned the game IMO.
  8. Yes! The team has scored 28,35,24,28 points, maybe the defense needs to show up on occasion, ya think? Offense isn't eh problem. If you can't see that you don't know football. Who do you suggest be the QB instead?
  9. Hey, 2 garbage time ints today right? If people want to hammer Fitz or padding his stats, well he had 2 garbage time ints that shouldn't really count by that logic also. Oh, ut that's right nobody will let those 2 pics slide will they.
  10. Really, maybe the defense needed to help themselves out and get a stop. That ever cross your mind? Obviously not because that would require too much thinking, it's just easier to blame Fitz.
  11. Because he couldn't win a effing shoot out with Tom !@#$ing Brady he is the worst QB in the league. Because he "only" had a 21-7 lead and "only" managed 28 points he is the worst QB in the league. Because he single handily let NE score 52 points and put up 600 yards of offense he is the worst QB in the league. Because he made some errors and was not perfect he is the worst QB in the league Because he had 4 TDs and 4 ints he is the worst QB in the league. Because both his 1A and 1B RBs were at about 50% and they didn't get their job done today he is the worst QB in the league. Because his top WR looked to have quit a few times on him he is the worst QB in the league. Because his coaches are incompetent at times he is the worst QB in the league. To endlessly blame Fitz for the Bills shortcomings means you have shortsighted tunnel vision and it's obvious you think you know but you really know nothing about football, and Fitz is your easiest scapegoat because you know nothing. Gotta blame someone and Fitz is the easiest one to blame. It's never the WR not doing their job is it? It's never the RB not doing their job is it? It's never the TE not doing their job is it? It's never the coaches not doing their job is it? And of course there is never any credit given to the other teams defense for doing their job is it? Of course not it's all Fitz fault. Bashing Fitz all the time is useless as he is the QB for this year and probably the next couple.
  12. quit then. we won't miss you!
  13. where is shepperd today?
  14. shut up hes got 300 yrds 3 tds he is not the problem today
  15. maybe wannstad needs to send a blitz or two, obviously the rush isn't getting there with just 4. wtf
  16. go away knuckles, root for a different team then.
  17. That is just not true. Payton, Emmitt Smith, C Martin, Campbell, etc just to name a few. I could go on and on and on.
  18. He hasn't done crap since he held out like a typical me first !@#$, got what he wanted and now he is useless because he is rich.
  19. aaahhh yes there it is, post #15, made it longer than I thought
  20. oh yeah, another bash Fitz thread.
  21. Am fan now. Looks great.
  22. Maybe you guys should follow a different team then, because Fitz is the QB this year and probably the next couple of years also.
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