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Everything posted by FreakPop

  1. Nope, bad decision by Edwards!
  2. Man, Trent is looking alot like JP today! Maybe it wasn't all JPs fault after all!
  3. I'm with ya dude! I would love nothing more than the Blls to go 14-2 and win it all but past burns are still hurting.
  4. While you think his motion is "just fine" I beg to differ and wonder how much you really know about throwing motions! I also know a thing or two about throwing motions. While Trent has a closed motion, Rivers, Elway, Marino and anyone else you mentioned have an open shoulder. Trent does not have a throwing motion wind up. He brings the ball up to his head(ear) and basically pushes it because he has a closed motion that has him throw across his body. This is ok I guess for throwing short to intermediate throws but not good for long throws and once the league catches up to him because he can't go deep it will be up to him to adjust. Trent needs to have some sort of throwing motion wind up(not just bring the ball up to his ear) then aim his front shoulder at the target, turn his waist and hips(creating torque) then have his shoulders open up(creating torque) having his chest and hips face the target as his arm follows like a whip and releases the ball. Until he does this he will not be able to throw deep, and 35-40 yards in the air is not a deep throw. He needs to be able to throw it 60+ yards on occasion to keep the defense honest. Watch his motion then watch every other QB and you will see he is the only one who throw across his body like he does.
  5. Edit: Baseball and football arm mechanics aren't the same. This comment proves you know nothing!
  6. My god your dumb! It has nothing to do with arm strength or the west coast offense. It's his mechanics that don't allow for him to air it out 50+ yards. He obviously has arm strength to stay all closed and still be able to throw it as far as he does. Now just for you again, if Trent cocks the ball back farther past his head and opens his throwing shoulder up, like a baseball pitcher, he will without a doubt add distance to his long ball.
  7. I never said his release was slow! It is fast but he shot puts the ball and doesn't open his throwing shoulder up, he stays closed throughout his whole motion and through the release. Anyone who knows anything about throwing motions can see this. If he were to open his motion up there is no doubt he could throw the ball alot further.
  8. Trent can't throw deep because he doesn't have the proper throwing mechanics that would allow him to throw deep. He brings the ball up to his ear and basically shot puts the ball. He need to rooster the ball way behind his ear and even past his head, kind of like a baseball player. Until he gets better throwing mechanics he will never be able to throw the ball very far.
  9. With global warming the winters aren't too bad as of late. I would say sweatshirt weather in Oct and Nov and then again the last part of March through May. That only leaves Dec-first part of March as being really cold. I love sweatshirt weather with the crisp cool air at night, beautiful sleeping weather. I lived in Florida for 4 years and you can keep the 95 and humid everyday from April to October.
  10. I don't know who will win the game, but I have a hard time believing Buffalo will put more than 17 points on a pretty good Jax defense, in their home opener, with the heat(92 degrees), and the possibility of Jax being 0-2. I also don't think Jax will be able to put up more than 20 points due to their injuries. All that said I think a 13-10, 17-14, 16-9 kind of game is going to take place. Who wins is anybodys guess.
  11. I hate when 550 turns its channel off for overnight. Here in Roch it doesn't get switched on until about 7am and it turns off around 5pm or so. I emailed H Simon awhile back and he told me it was FCC rules that WGR had to do this. That's crap as far as i'm concerned it's 2008 for gawds sake, not 1950. As for Schlepp and Bullfart, they suck. Schlepp is an arrogant, pompous, egotistical, thin skinned idiot and Bullfart, well he's just a doof. Somedays their show is ok but mostly it is lacking. Those 2 really need some competition in WNY because their show needs to be better.
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