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Everything posted by FreakPop

  1. Seriously? What are you, Trent's brother or something?
  2. Could be but I think it was more of he just was different than JP not necessarily any better.
  3. There is no hope for Edwards and he has had his chance in the regular season. After 24 games there is no way on the god forsaken earth he should look that bad game after game.
  4. The season is over with Trent as our starter anyway so what does it matter?
  5. Anyone will do, can it really get any worse than Dick? If so not by much. There is only one way to go and that's up.
  6. True, Trent seems scared to fail and thinks playing it safe (checkdown) is the answer. You will never succeed at anything when your scared of failure. It's how well you deal with your failures determines what kind of athlete you become. It's probably why Trent never played baseball because in baseball failure is the name of the game. What other sport can you fail 7 out of 10 times thus carry a .300 batting average and be considered great and get paid really really really good. This guy is a head case and is not the answer at QB. It's time for the Bills to cut their losses, they did it with JP, now it's Trents turn. Bye bye Dick and Trent
  7. Maybe Trent needs glasses and can't really tell between his receivers and the DBs after 10 yards so Turk calls for 8 yard plays.
  8. He can't be a bust, he was a 3rd round pick. He's just no good. Third round QB failures are a dime a dozen for the NFL. Time for Trent to go!
  9. Hasslet is coaching in the UFL along with Dennis Green, Jim Fassel and Ted Cottrell. The new start up league went out and understood the need for a good coach, Ralph needs to take notice. Then again how much does a 90 year old notice. Nothing is going to change until he is gone.
  10. Man, JP managed to last 5 years in this league and at this rate Trent will be hard pressed to surpass that. Who'd a thunk!
  11. It's great to be optimistic and positive and all but any realist knows this team is nowhere near playoff caliber. This years schedule says about 6-10, 5-11, 7-9, somewhere in that neighborhood. I hope i'm wrong though because that would be a very pleasant suprise, but I just don't see that happening.
  12. The Bills have a very tough schedule and I do not think they will be a .500 team. With that said come years end, I expect Dick and his staff to be gone. There will be a new head coach in place before the draft, therefor I beilieve Mr. Edwards days are numbered, and the Bills will draft a QB. A new coach is most likely going to want his own QB not some scrub want to be, with a fragile head and noodle arm.
  13. When you don't respect the QB's arm that's what happens. Makes the whole offense look bad.
  14. I guess there is going some changes next year, because they sure aren't going to have enough wins to get into the playoffs this year. That's a good because this whole thing needs to be blown up! It's just one big cluster____!
  15. Trent's not the answer, I was saying that 3 years ago! He has bad mechanics that will not allow him to be successful at the Pro level.
  16. How about this... Did you actually think a manager would bet on his own baseball team to win or lose? It happened! Did you actually think an NBA referee would purposly make fantom calls and other things that directly affect the outcome of games? It happened! And those are the ones that were caught. Who knows how many back ally deals are actually taking place in pro sports. If stuff like that has happened there is no doubt in my mind coaches have players fake injuries because he sucks.
  17. If he has a so called torn groin, then why the hell is he even suited up? That's a BS excuse. There is no groin problem, there is no concussion problem. The problem is he really isn't that good of a QB and got benched! Deal with it!
  18. The question I have to ask is... Why were the Jets sending a CB blitz on that play in the first place? If that play is a supposed running play and the Bills oline is blowing the Jets dline off the ball why oh why are the Jets corner blitzing? A run blitz sends the LBs. Somehow someway or just coincidence the Jets new the Bills were gonna run a QB roll out to the right and that's why they sent the CB. The Jets new what the Bills were going to run. These coaches need to go their not good by any stretch of the imagination.
  19. You know colin, your a real DIICK!
  20. Exactally! Too bad most in here are too stupid to understand this.
  21. Yeah, I guess you told us!
  22. Honestly I don't think he cares. I think he is so bitter towards this organization and he just wants out.
  23. Not making excuses for JP but I think he hasn't given a shiiit since last season. Sure he says all the right things and plays the part but IMHO he could care less about winning/losing he is just looking forward to exit stage left from this pathetic organization the minute the season is over. Who could blame him.
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