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Everything posted by FreakPop

  1. wow seattle self destruction, the bills sure arent stopping them
  2. yep cause the bills defense has been top notch so far
  3. seattle 200 total yards, 3/4 on 3rd down, 3 scores in 3 possessions 9.5 yards per play. doing good buffalo
  4. seattle 3 positions 3 scores, way to go buffalo way to go...
  5. Why would you want Flynn, what has he proven? A couple of good games in a high power offense with weapons at wide out?, well **** Fitz has done that, had a couple of good games. A QB upgrade is needed not a 7th round pick lateral move. That doesn't accomplish anything.
  6. Greed in it's self doesn't wake me up each morning, needing the money to barely survive in a world full of greed does. I guess if that is what you mean, then ok, greed does wake me up. I tend to think different though. I do not see the NFL as a great product as you do. If the NFL went away tomorrow I wouldn't miss it, so to me it isn't a "great product". An automobile, computer, dishwasher, clothes washer, refrigerator, cordless drill/screwdriver, etc are great products, the NFL, not so much it's just a way to kill a few hours and suck a few beers. As far as seeing the world, you are right, I need to see more if it. I would love nothing more than to get lost in some small village in the Italian countryside and never have to use money, sipping wine and eating pasta with my family, not caring to ever see another Verizon, GM, McDonalds commercial or NFL game ever again. Greed is a useful tool if done right. The NFL is over the top with greed (blackout rule) and not even close to being done right.
  7. They were done on the opening kickoff against the Jets.
  8. No it doesn't. It is only like this because of pure greed on behalf of the NFL, Ralph Wilson, and the rest of it's owners.
  9. ooohhh, big letters again. So that is why you think you are the Buffalo Bills savant. I see!
  10. Yall, haven't heard that since I lived in Florida, southern thing, thank god! Good retire from TBD also, we can only hope. What it really boils down is the lack of your football IQ to understand or have a tolerance to other peoples opinions that disagree with you, and in turn it starts to be a pisssing match because of your blind devotion to your cause. Advice, from you, no thank you, period!
  11. yes it is, and he used really big letters this time.
  12. Well, boohoo puppydog. Equally annoyed at your constant pot shots and heavy handed way you attempt to counter anybody who doesn't share your same point of view. And yes all Fitz haters want an elite QB(and I want one also) because an average Fitz isn't good enough to them.
  13. I went there, and what ever all those stats and acronyms mean, who knows. It absolutely has Fitz ranked 25th, how I don't really know or understand. I do know that I went and checked Fitz week by week to see what he was like. It went like this: 3 weeks ranked in the 20's - 29,29,22 3 weeks in the top 12 - 4,10,12.....I used 12 because it is not a teen. 6 weeks in the teens - 18,15,16,14,19,18 That looks to be the exact definition of average, 3 bad weeks, 3 good weeks, and 6 average weeks. I have no idea how that equates to 25th other than then there is 5 guys who have missed at least 2 games or more that were ranked ahead of Fitz.
  14. I agree 100% with you #1. You can't argue with ignorance. Before this season if people were asked if they would take 3500+ yards 25+ TDs 15+ Ints and about 25 sacks from the QB and an offense that scores about 25 points per game, I guarantee you about 90%+ of Bills fans would have signed up for that.
  15. What is the point of practicing then? So you don't think practice is a tool to help accuracy within any sport? How does anybody improve accuracy at what ever sport they do? Improving accuracy does happen in all facets of all sports and you would be really dumb to think it doesn't. Do you think athletes are just born with it and there is no such thing as improving accuracy? I don't think so! C'mon please tell me you are smarter than that!
  16. Accuracy at anything can be improved or people wouldn't practice at it.
  17. as section122 has shown you, you kinda do fit the clueless talk, Jack!
  18. Really dude! You are just over the top with your Fitz hate. Do you do it on purpose to stir the pot? If not you are truly clueless.
  19. I would NOT take the following teams starters over Fitz. Jets Browns Dolphins-maybe as Tannyhill is just a rookie Titans Jaguars Chiefs Raiders-maybe, inconsistancy issues, kinda what we have now with Fitz Chargers-maybe, see Raiders Eagles-maybe I like Foles Vikings Bucs Panthers-maybe Cam would need to show me alot more maturity as I think he is headed down the V Young path, headcase I wouldn't want any part of. Cardinals 49ers-maybe Capaernick I'll take, Smith no Rams-maybe, I actually like Bradford, but he hasn't taken that next step as a #1 should have by now. Seahawks-not sold on Wilson So to me Fitz is middle of the road, not the best and not the worst. All this bellyaching about how horrible Fitz is, is hogwash at best.
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