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Everything posted by THEPINBALL89

  1. Jauron is not agressive, he is sickeningly conservative. Yes it makes me sick the Real JP
  2. Dick is re active at best
  3. only a proactive coach would do that, not mr what just happened. Fire Jauron!
  4. The players are fine it's 90% coach Dick!, How could Ralph watch 3 run s into line, same formation, wasted time, allways outcoached and not fire Dick, I guess he has learned not to over react. and yes this is our therapy
  5. Would "I play to not lose" coach pull the hook if Trent struggles this week, and insert JP at half or sooner?
  6. BAD CALLS DICK< TURK? How can you run three times? thats playing like to lose. I hate you for this and I was up all night thinking about this. JIMBO must have had that sinking feeling in his gut watching these pathetic decisions. This coach is not fair to the fans, these players are fine, Ralph must see this? do you ralph? Turk-One more thing we run a play in tiny mights called a "go route" usually we never connect, However the defense moves back
  7. all goes back to use the run to set up the pass, and vice versa any qb can look good when the D is confused FANCOACH-08
  8. Do not miss the point you have to keep the D guessing. wheather it's Roscoe, Trent, JP or marshawn, Pls keep them in limbo wildcat, power running or passing , or D C< mon DJ I am with u THE PINball 89 for fan coach
  9. As TBD Fancoach I will promise the following, 1) I will recommend to throw deep once a half, no matter what 2) I will recomend to use JP occasionally on third and two (sprint out), or in a wildcat 3) I will run on the field with the challang flage if instructed by DJ 4) I will use the run to set up the pass and Vice Versa 5) I will hold charity functions for Autism with the cheerleaders 6) I will move back to Rochester after 15 years in Florida 7) I will keep the oposition guessing as to personnel, schemes 8) I will seek LORI as my assistant 9) I will reinstate "the pinball" when tasker went back and forth in the backfield to open holes for Thuman, not sure who Ill use for this will seek TURKS recommendation. 10) Will always be positive and create good karma for the team! 11) I will raise ticket prices based on victory's I hope you can hear me Mr. Wilson
  10. WE need a TBD fancoach!, your right on about the rediculousness of no backs, the worst paly was with 21 seconds left in the 1st corner going into a 15 mph wind deep post why not run it and wait for the wind??? can you say TBD "Fancoach"
  11. Why would we do that? he was an allstate quarterback in high school! HA HA vote for me as TBD "fancoach" I promise to bring that up to DJ in my five minute meetings. See Losman posts for more info THEPINBALL89-
  12. Save the season I believe using Losman as a change of pace in a wildcat or normal set (sprint out?) would be a good idea once and awhile, Dick J needs to announce this on Wednesday that Losman may be used in certain downs and distance, if nothing else throw a screwball out to Romeo. Say Trent is our man, we may try some diff stp with JP, Once again Ralph Wilson Ineed a Job think of me as fan coach(TBD) PR guy every week I take imput off TBD and meet with DJ for 5 minutes. Please send me an offer as I am broke but skilled! oh I almost forgot I used to hand with the Fisher football players down at E. Roch. C"Mon Ill even donate 20% of my salary to Autism charities THEPINBALL89 The PINBALL89 (remeber when tasker went back and forth before the snap creating holes for Thurman) for TBD coach what you all say, I could also run on the feild for challanges! Now I want $90,000 a year!
  13. The worst play of the day 1st and 10. 21 tics first quarter against a 12 mph wind deep slant, picked why not run it get the wind and then pass, Hey Ralph you need me as a cosultant, I can do challanges and be in charge of not being boneheads like shotgun on third and one $60,000.00 year plus travel (negotalble) why give up on the run? For Trent One more thing pull Hardy or Evans aside and say go deep ill throw it! Onc e a game or so like you know street football. IM serious Ralph I am unemployed WTF was that today?
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