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Everything posted by SageAgainstTheMachine

  1. Since the wind will be a factor I'd love to see Josh continue to find little darts to Beasley and Diggs like he did against NYJ.
  2. I think we, the fans, project our insecurities onto the coaches and players. The vast majority of this team weren't Buffalo Bills as recently as 2017 and don't have even 10% the inferiority complex regarding the Patriots as the fans do.
  3. It's so high because of the likelihood of winning the division which either gets further boosted or takes a big hit on Sunday. There are a lot of good teams in the AFC that will finish in the neighborhood of 10-6 so staying out of the wildcard mire is of utmost importance.
  4. Stat changes with yardage or a reception getting changed to a carry are provable but this Sack vs Tackle-for-loss thing seems to be the only thing in fantasy football based completely on subjectivity. Really sucks. I was just thinking, at least enough time didn't elapse for him to make an impulse purchase or two.
  5. Ouch. You can get solid ROI on those sites if you know what you're doing but the top prizes are like winning the lottery. He'll likely never be that close again as long as he lives.
  6. He's had a rough season overall but I see him criticized more often than I see him praised so I wouldn't use the term overrated. All that said, I'll always remember that we got him for useless Kelvin Sheppard so everything good he does is still gravy.
  7. Nonsense, any player coming off injury gets one free bad play and then we cut him after the second one.
  8. I'm going through more of a garbanzo bean phase.
  9. Honestly the score made it feel like a close game, but it was only close in the same sense that we were close to the Chiefs. In the end we outgained them 422-190. We physically dominated the second half.
  10. Been well, thanks! I was at work the other day and something reminded me of my password to this site so I thought I'd check back in.
  11. Rams, Raiders and Dolphins wins all look better now than they did at the time.
  12. The Bills really neutralized Hekker in the 2nd half of our game by letting the Rams score on every drive. Gotta take away their best player.
  13. Remember Keith Ellison? He probably had 10 pounds on Ramsey haha.
  14. This is the first Bears game I've seen this season. If Foles is honestly a better option than Trubisky that's...really something.
  15. It reminds me of 3-point shooters launching themselves into the defender on their follow-through to get the whistle. It's fair play to use the rules to your advantage but bad for the sport. Trubisky made a Pro Bowl?? Must have been the replacement's replacement.
  16. You're right. I do think something needs to be done about the fact that badly under throwing the receiver makes it easier to get the flag though.
  17. They are certainly not designed to play from behind. This could get ugly if they go down by two TDs.
  18. We also apparently let Hauschka go at the right time because he played one awful game for the Jags and was short on an unblocked 49 yard kick.
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